For the Land is Full of Bloodshed

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Chapter Eight

Rusk was in a foul mood. Murderous, even.

The clan had departed from Cairo leaving him behind, in itself a possible act of rebellion, but at the very least a sure sign of disrespect. Didn't they realize the trading season was his singular opportunity to sample the finest of liquors from the north? Didn't they know he had been nursing a headache from his last bender and just needed one more day to recuperate? And then those fools from the Guild kept delaying him with one ridiculous reason after another, almost as if they were intentionally keeping him from leaving. Yet protocol demanded he cater to their whims, he was Touri after all. Then, to hear the report from Kemp, his Tourinar, that Caddo had brought a Speck out from Cairo! It was a stomach-churning offense, one he would personally rectify when he joined the caravan. He had long suspected Caddo of working to undermine his authority as Touri and now it was confirmed.

It was such a bother.

Finally extracting himself from yet another series of boring meetings regarding some obscure trade regulations, he managed to ride over the bridge a full three days after the clan had broke camp. Three days! Who knew what mischief Caddo had been up to in those three days.

He pushed his mount as much as he dared, reaching Poplar Bluff only a few hours after the clan had headed south. Kemp was there waiting, bearing the report that left him flabbergasted and furious.

"My Touri," said Kemp. "This is not news you will enjoy."

Rusk waited, his irritation growing by the second. "Well, out with it man. I've little tolerance for nonsense today."

"Caddo has split from the clan, heading west. Even worse, he was hauling some mystery cargo kept tightly under wrap. He wouldn't allow nobody, including me, to uncover it."

"What? Why didn't you force him to let you see it? For the sake of the Visitors man, you're the Tourinar! You coulda grabbed yourself a bunch of scouts and forced his hand."

"The situation was unstable, my Touri. There was little support to be found for an action like that. I tried."  Kemp paused, hesitant to continue.  "But Caddo has a way about him.  And the people, they look to him and well, he has been talking some strange talk lately.  Some of the clan are buying into it."

Rusk knew exactly what Kemp meant, for he himself had noticed some unusual comments and notions floating about through the camp. Ideas he was sure could be traced back to Caddo. Dangerous, subversive ideas.

"Alright, here's what we're going do. I want you to catch up with the caravan and keep things moving along. It won't do to have them all cavorting around the countryside without a leader. I'll head west after Caddo and see if I can scope out what he's up to."

"Ahh, one more thing, my Touri. He left Cairo with a Speck."

Rusk didn't explode into a rage, surprising even himself. Instead he gritted his teeth, grinding them together with enough fury to bite through steel.

"And just what did you do about that, since you failed so miserably with this mystery cargo?"

"Again, my Touri, the situation had become tense and we needed you. You, I am sure, could have defused things and set him on the right course. But I lack your skills and wisdom for such delicate maneuvers."

If he only knew how much I hate butt-kissing, brown-nosing sycophants, he would surely be soiling himself right now. Instead of lashing out, which again surprised him, Rusk calmly augmented his instructions. No sense in alienating his second-in-command, even if he were nothing more than a big suck up.

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