Chapter 24 | Before I Cry

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C H A P T E R  24

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C H A P T E R 24

I couldn't go on the rest of today being miserable so I called Peyton and Ash over to help with this sudden heartbreak. I never knew it was possible to be this hurt over someone I couldn't even call my own. Gavin secluded his feeling from himself and the rest of the world and up until yesterday he told me how he really felt and I took that away from him.

That was probably the first time he's ever told anyone the truth about how he felt and I couldn't imagine it possibly being me. He blocked me from Instagram so I'm now back to three followers once again. I'm sure he's even gotten rid of my number and with all the anger he's capable of holding he'll probably never talk to me again.

Everyone told me from the start, he was bad news and I tried seeing him in a different light. The friendly Gavin nobody knew existed I think I got a glimpse of it but I'm not quite sure.

"I'm gonna kill him." Peyton says giving me a warm smile to help comfort me. "I'll start with his car-"

I shake my head, sniffling. "This isn't his fault I did this."

"No this is all that damn cancers fault." Ash defends. "As much as I don't appreciate the way Gavin treats you, you've been happy and I can't deny it's because of him."

I rub my nose my mind racing back to the first time I met with his green eyes the night of my first high school party. They intrigued me because I'd never seen eyes like that before, they seemed angry, lost and happy all at once.

"I know where he is tonight." Peyton says. "Beckham told me they were having a party at the lake."

That damn lake, I shudder at the remembrance of are kiss there. "What's the point? Tell him the truth?"

They both stare at me like a lost puppy before nodding their heads. "At least before it's too late." Ash responds. It's unusual that Ash is on Gavin's side for once I'm used to the frequent hate against him.

I knew how bad parties end for me I could sit here and cry the rest of the night watching romantic comedy's or I could get my ass out of bed and tell Gavin what's exactly on my mind.

I couldn't let him make decisions for me I couldn't let him walk away either.

"Let's go." I say jumping out of bed I wipe the wetness from my eyes. I grab some black jeans and a grey sweatshirt from my closet. I tie my hair back and see my eyes are very red and swollen because I've been crying.

"Where are you going?" My mother asks. She's standing in the living room probably scolding Peter for something again.

"To a party." I respond. "I'll be home later."

Her face turns pale and she opens her mouth to protest but decides against it. The three of us hop into Ash's car and head off. We don't say much in the car and I'm glad because I take this time to think about what I'm going to say exactly.

Before I Go ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя