C36 - The Speed at Which They Earned Money Was Even Faster than Robbing a Bank

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Host, you are tasked with harvesting the rapeseed field within one day. Upon completion, you'll be awarded $1,000,000, with the possibility of a special bonus based on how well you do!

"Special bonus!"

Zhao Yuegu's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Special bonuses were rare treasures, often unlocked by meeting specific conditions.

They made the mission payout seem insignificant in comparison!

Also, there was a countdown timer associated with the task, though it hadn't started yet.

Without a moment's delay, Zhao Yuegu got his farming tools ready and borrowed a bullock cart.

He was determined to start the harvest first thing in the morning.

The primary goal was to gather the rapeseed.

At three in the morning the following day, Zhao Yuegu was already in the field, beginning the harvest.

"The dew at this hour means the seeds are less likely to scatter on the ground," he thought.

"If I wait until noon when the rapeseed is dry, I could lose a lot."

With that realization, Zhao Yuegu was invigorated and began to harvest with fervor.

Ding! You've harvested a rapeseed plant and earned a $10,000 reward.

Ding! You've harvested another rapeseed plant and received a $10,000 reward.


The constant chime of rewards in his mind only fueled Zhao Yuegu's enthusiasm!

It was important to note that the system's default currency was the dollar.

Initially, he had questioned the choice of currency.

But after meeting Xia Guo, he understood that this setup made it easier to validate the legitimacy of his earnings!

No domestic inquiry could trace his assets.

What mattered was the value of the currency on the international stage.

Domestic currency, on the other hand, could face severe regulatory scrutiny.

Hence the system's design.

And it was precisely for this reason that Zhao Yuegu's profits soared!


"Earning money this way is faster than robbing a bank," he mused, his drive mounting.

By noon, Zhao Yuegu had completely harvested the sprawling acre of rapeseed.

Xueman, along with Ma Yabei, brought Sun Ying to the farm on an oxcart.

"Brother, you're done with the harvest already? That was incredibly quick!"

Xueman's eyes bulged with astonishment.

Despite her youth, she understood that completing the harvest at such a rapid pace required remarkable speed.

Ma Yabei, who was well-versed in such matters, had witnessed the harvesting of sunflower seeds before.

But never at this speed.

"It was all finished by noon?"

Ma Yabei could scarcely believe it.

"That's nothing. We'll load up the cart after lunch."

"Also, Sun Ying, you're going to be my driver. You need to know how to handle the oxcart!"

Sun Ying was on the verge of tears.

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