C16 - I Really Am Rich!

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"I grew them myself."

"The seeds are a family heirloom."

"I have no parents..."


"Height: 180cm; weight: not sure."

"I've never been in a relationship..."

As Zhao Yuegu continued to respond, he sensed that the interview was taking an odd turn.

Why would a professional journalist ask such off-topic questions?

"What does my being single have to do with watermelons?"

"The audience enjoys this kind of thing, but if you're not comfortable with it, I can edit it out later."

There was a sly glint in Ma Yabei's eyes.

Zhao Yuegu felt the onset of a headache.

Was this really the renowned national reporter?

Had the program team not verified Ma Yabei's credentials, Zhao Yuegu might have doubted her intentions behind the guise of journalism.

Nevertheless, Zhao Yuegu faced the camera and solemnly voiced the collective aspiration of his village.

"If we had a road connecting us to the outside world, Walden Village would surely escape poverty!"

Ma Yabei expressed her support.

The thought of a mountain without a road was indeed frightening.

Even with a road, she could still get lost.

But Ma Yabei considered leveraging her family's influence to build that road for Zhao Yuegu.

It was all in the name of rural revitalization!

Certainly not to make her watermelon visits more convenient.

Zhao Yuegu recognized Ma Yabei's ulterior motive and let out a sigh.

"Don't underestimate the challenge of constructing this road."

"The nearest existing road is just 30 miles away in a straight line."

"But navigating the mountain terrain could stretch the journey to a hundred miles."

"In some areas, frequent landslides wreak havoc on the paths."

"The optimal solution would be to carve through the mountain and create a tunnel."

At this point, Zhao Yuegu couldn't help but feel a bit disheartened.

Tunneling would require a massive shield machine.

The cost per meter could range from 4,000 to 8,000 yuan.

For a ten-kilometer tunnel, just the initial costs could soar to 40 to 80 million yuan!

And that doesn't even factor in the expenses for paving the road and ongoing tunnel maintenance!

It seemed that Zhao Yuegu would have to pour his entire fortune, possibly over a hundred million yuan, into this project to make the road a reality.

The prohibitive cost and complexity were precisely why the county had abandoned the idea of building this road.

Relocating the entire village was deemed the most cost-effective poverty alleviation strategy!


Zhao Yuegu's family land had been enhanced by the system!

He was determined not to abandon it, no matter the cost.

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