Chapter 5

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January 20th 2033, 1:03 PM

She maintained the same speed, gazing at the man in front of her holding an umbrella.

It started raining when she left the police station. She still had the bottom of her officer's uniform, she took the top off before going out and put on her leather bombers instead. She was still cold though, her turtleneck shirt didn't stop the cold.

She removed a few wet strands of hair that stuck to her face due to the rain. She couldn't see much with them getting over her eyes every ten seconds.

She glanced to the left, observing the rain pouring down the river then behind, seeing an old woman with an umbrella, and a man in a black suit and sunglasses further behind her.

Who would get out with a suit knowing it was raining. And who the fuck would wear sunglasses while it was pouring rain outside? Suits had become trendy in the last few months. Even Rune bought one. It fitted her well though, orange looked good on her.

She turned on the right at the end of the street. Her eyes were a bit squinty, she felt like the rain was going to enter her eyes.

She noticed that the man in a suit was now a few meters in front. How was that possible? Wasn't he behind her? She discreetly peeked a look behind, seeing the man himself, walking. The old woman wasn't here anymore.

Well, she was definitely getting paranoid.

She didn't know those suits were that trendy. Just to be sure, she turned on the right again and started walking faster.

Then she remembered the past events; she was just thinking too much. With all the things that happened, she must be tired and a little bit too much exaggerating.

She took a right turn a last time, making a loop and returning to the starting point. That way she could be sure she was not being followed.

And she was right, no one was behind her anymore.

Relief spread through her chest and she brought her gaze back ahead.

Until she froze and stopped dead in her tracks.

Should she go back? On the street she just came from.

She was already taking the street back anyways.

The two men were next to each other, walking at the end of the street she just took. But this time in her direction.

She was walking fast, hoping to lose them in the way. Instead of turning left, she decided to go straight ahead. She was lucky to know the plans of the city by heart.

If she turned around, they would know that she caught them.

They maybe already knew it though. What was the best thing to do in this situation?

For an average human person; because killing them wasn't socially acceptable.

First, she was not going home, otherwise they would know where she lived.

She could hide in a store? The problem was if she did that, there were going to be people. But that could be a good thing? Would they dare to take action if people were around? She could try. And cameras were everywhere, she could identify them later at the police station.

She entered the first store on her left, which was apparently a thrift store. She walked through the different areas, and heard the door opening.

She felt her heart inside her chest.

She perceived them at the entrance scanning around the room. Right now was one of the rare moments she was grateful for being 5'4 feet tall. But when she took the next alley in the corner of the room, there was one of them two meters away from her. She turned around and shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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