Chapter 3

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Mercy brought the warm ceramic to her lips, taking another sip from her cup.

Her gaze remained on the window. It was still cloudy out there, winter was standing out a little more this month. They had lost the seasons some years ago. Six years ago, if she remembered well. They were still there when she was at the orphanage, for the first years, until 2026. She could still recall the sensations from the shifts in temperatures, the seasons were noticeable. Or was it just an impression? She only had a blanket at night. But the clothes were warm. Like her suit, actually.

She snapped herself out of her head, wanting to concentrate on finishing this case. She wanted to find her. She had to. But she was afraid that it was starting to be a little too late.

But before she could even look at the file, her radio started flashing, then let out a voice call.

She waited patiently, out of habit, paying attention to what the voice was saying. It wasn't clear. She could barely hear it. She hoped it wasn't Miles. The tone of his voice was not even close to Miles' voice.

"I can't hear you." She finally cut on the radio after pressing the button. Nothing happened. "Ten-one." She added, maybe it'd be clearer with the codes.

" street..."

Fucking interferences, she swore.

"I repeat, ten-twenty four, fire on...we need..."

She didn't even take the time to listen to the rest. She hurried to grab her gun and walked out the apartment, running. The address and the issue were enough. It was on the next street. She'd be there in a second.

"I'll be there in a minute. I repeat, on my way." She said, careful to articulate.

She passed the exit and crossed the road as fast as she could. She could already perceive smoke flying through the air from behind a few houses. She arrived on the street, and noticed that there were only two police cars. The firemen weren't here yet. Her body was already sweating by the sight of fire.

"What happened?" She asked a policeman, looking at the house.

It was a large house. And a large field. Fire was spread all over the ground floor, flames escaping by the windows.

"People said they heard voices."

"There are people in there?"

"I don't know."

"We have to know, that's not an option, we're here for something for god's sake!" She reminded, already running to the entry of the house but stopped right in front of the door.

Her body refused to take a step more.

It wasn't the time for this, she had to concentrate. Don't panic, she reassured.

She took a deep breath before holding it, and entered the house.

Smoke was everywhere, blurring her vision, like there were flames, and burned stuff. The floor looked black and ashy, it was wood. It was fucking wood, everything was going to burn. And the people inside it too, if she didn't save them.

She searched until reaching what appeared to be the kitchen, but not a sole living presence. She continued to walk up some stairs that didn't seem to be in bad shape. Once on the landing, she could perceive how much the flames had ravaged the corridor and upper rooms. Some doors were locked.

She distinguished a voice, a girl.

She hurried to every door, seeking for her, but there was no one in each of the rooms. She finally spotted a movement in a room when she passed by and saw a figure, straight black hair, facing the window. She was going to jump. And it was too high, she was going to hurt herself.

GAMBIT (will be self-published once finished)Where stories live. Discover now