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New York, United States, November 2nd 2032, 5:13 AM

 She couldn't reach nearer, because of the bullet that just penetrated her stomach. And a second one.

Time stopped.

Her ears rang.

Everything around started to blur, and she was slowly losing her balance. Gunshots echoed inside her already chaotic head.

Her gaze lowered to her fingers, red, pure red, covered by her blood.

She looked up seeing the man getting shot, falling backwards. And she guessed she was doing the same, because she saw the ceiling. Adrenaline had already spread through her entire body, making the intense pain in her stomach less distinctive. She could hear Miles' muffled voice beneath the whistling. She finally saw him, he had his eyebrows furrowed. Her lips parted, trying to let out some words, but failed. Instead, she started gasping for air. She panted, again, again.

Come on, she was better than this, she thought.

"Mil—" She managed to say.

He seemed to be speaking. His mouth was moving. He holded his radio in his hand, near his mouth. He was calling for help. And at the same time, helped her to lay down. Breathing became increasingly difficult and the dryness in her mouth wasn't helping.

"Mercy—with me..." These were the only words making it up to her ears.

She wanted to rest. Shut her eyelids. Her head was violently shaken, making it simpler for her not to close them.

"...fight Mercy..."

This was starting to last. A metallic taste spread in her mouth, leaving her own blood's taste that she was so familiar with. She could now perceive Miles more clearly. She should have put her bulletproof vest on.

GAMBIT (will be self-published once finished)Where stories live. Discover now