Chapter 1

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Picture of Rosabella(What do y'all think)

Rosabella's POV
"How long has it been since this nightmare started?" I think as I mercilessly scrub the floor beneath me.
As I zoned out, I feel a push that sends me tumbling to the ground.

"Hi there bitch, seems like you have finally found out where your place is. Beneath us!!" Whitney exclaims as her and her bimbos laugh among themselves.

If you are wondering, it hasn't always been like this for me. I once had loving parents and a younger sister, that is, until the rouge attack that happened about three years ago when I was 14 years old.

It was just a day like any other, with me and Di talking with our friend. When all of a sudden, I heard the alarm bell signaling rouges attacking. As the children were herded into the safety room, my mom came to me and said,"Always know that we love you and everything we do is for your own safety." With that she gave me a peck on the forehead and went to join the war.

After the rouge attack, the pack faced many losses....some of which included my parents. When my sister and I heard the news, we were devasted. For me, it was the most painful experience i have ever had to go through. We cried for a good three days without eating or drinking, just mourning our parents and silently hoping this was all a lie and our parents were hiding somewhere.

We were then summoned to the Alpha's office and when we stepped in, I noticed his son staring at me andscanning me from head to toe, basically eye fucking me.

"What are you doing over there? Sit down," Alpha said as he looked over to his son. When my sister and I sat down, the Alpha began to speak again. " Girls, I have been made aware of your misfortunate predicament, and for that, I extend my condolences." "Thank you, Alpha." "Now as you know, my son will be the future Alpha of this pack, and he has had his eyes on you for a while," I gulped nervously as I knew where this conversation was going "so I was hoping my son could take you as his chosen mate."

Even though I knew what the proposal was going to be, it didn't leave me any less shocked. "So, what do you say, Rosabella?" Carter, the Alpha's son, said with a smirk. "And what will happen to your fated mate?" I asked, still holding on to the slightest hope that he would change his mind of taking me as his chosen mate. "I will happily reject her for you, anytime." I gulped as He said this with a hint of evil in his voice. " I will think about it." As I said this, I rose up from my chair and proceeded to the door. "Ohh. And bear in mind that you are deemed a slave until you decide to become my chosen mate, Rosa darling." That sent a shiver of disgust down my spine as my sister led me out of the room.

Immediately, my sister locked the door of our room, I just crumbled to the floor and sobbed. My sister came to my side and tried to comfort me, but later on, she joined me, sobbing. We fell asleep holding onto each other as if, when we let go, the other would disappear and never return.

The next day, we started our duties as maids. At first, it was just small things like cooking and washing plates, but later we were moved out of our parents' house and sent to live in the basement. This was then later accompanied by bullying and name calling, which brings me back to this moment, where Whitney and her friends, Dianne and Lilith, are still cackling like witches.

As I was thinking that this day couldn't get any worse, I heard the devil himself enter the room. "Hey girls." "Hey there, baby." Whitney purrs as she sashays her way towards Carter.

Yeah, did I mention that my supposed to be chosen mate has been dating the girl that has been bullying me for a whole two years!!!

"Hi there, Rosa darling," I shiver in disgust at the pet name as Carter grins, and I hear Whitney growl. Her facial expression immediately changes to a sickenly sweet smile as she looks at Carter and rises to her tippytoes. "But baby, I am hungry," She says as she flutters her eyelashes.

"Ohh, hungry for what. You have to be more specific, " Carter says with a glint of amusement in his eyes. "For you," Whitney replies with a look of longing in her eyes.

With that, they lunge at each other and start making out, creating a spectacle in the middle of the living room. I immediately just get up.and walk to the kitchen, where I met my sister.

"What happened now?" she asks, clearly amused. "Nothing out of the ordinary, just Carter and Whitney acting like teenagers with uncontrolled hormones." She sighs and shakes her head. " When are they not."

I turned to look at my sister, Danielle, her eyes that sparkled and brightened the day of other people and were full of life, now looked worn out, tired and questioning what tomorrow might bring. "Hey Di, how do you feel about running away?

Ohhhh. Are you thinking what I'm thinking. Will they seriously run away, or will Danielle speak some 'reasoning' into Rosabella.
This is my first book. Therefore, I don't really know what I am doing 🙃, but I really hope you enjoy it and will continue with this book. See you guys later, I hope.

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