Someone's Watching

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The next day after Gojo got caught staring, he began to distance himself a bit from Geto. Whenever Geto tried talking to him, he gave out dull responses. Sometimes even responses thay didn't even make sense. Like when Geto was making breakfast for everyone and asked how Gojo liked his eggs, and Gojo said in a quick response, "That's fine" and then rushed to the room.

These weird interactions both concerned and entertained Geto. Concered because of how awkward the next few months living with him will be, but also entertaining because of how shy he's become. So he thought about teasing him for a bit. After all, who knows if this'll get him to return the feelings for Gojo.


"You thought you were safe here huh, Saroru. You must've forgotten that you'll never escape me." Cathy mumbled to herself as she drove to the farm with her best friend Amelia.

"So, how do you wanna do this? Should we kidnap him or do you want to toy with him psychologically first?"

"I'll toy with him for a bit. Then I'll kidnap him. He needs to be taught a painful lesson for making me go through all that stupid legal bullshit. He's got some nerve getting me arrested."

"On the bright side, at least he didn't call the police when you talked to him at the bakery. We both could've gotten into a lot of trouble."

"Yeah, true. His reward for that will be me only beating that best friend of his only half to death in front of him."

"Kind as always, Cathy," she smiled as she closed her eyes.

"I try," she grinned and chuckled a bit.


"Satoru, are you alright? You've been avoiding me ever since yesterday. Did I do something wrong..?" Geto knew that if he acted upset, that would lure Gojo out of the room. And that's when he'll begin teasing him.

"Yes I'm fine, and no, you did nothing wrong. I'm just..Trying to avoid that outside smell." Gojo knew that was a stupid and unbelievable excuse, but he couldn't think of anything else.

"That so? Well you'll have to get used to it."

There was no response.

"Satoru, would you like to come with me to the city? There's some things I need to get but I don't want to go alone."

Still, there was silence.

"I spoke with Shoko about you by the way. Since you were distancing yourself from me, I thought I could get to know you through her. She mentioned that you liked sweets. And that there's a bakery in particular that you love. I'll pay if you come with me."

Geto heard shuffling and footsteps before the door unlocked and cracked open a bit.

"You promise..?"

"Of course. I'm a man of my word after all."

Gojo now opened the door wider.

"Alright then. Let's go," a grin formed on his face. Which died almost immediately after Geto leaned in close and whispered in his ear.

"Oh, and, stop locking my doors. Okay?"

Gojo simply nodded and looked off to the side. Then Geto leaned back and an innocent smiled appeared again as he took Gojo's hand into his.

"Well then, let's go. I'd like to be back before the sun sets."

Gojo looked back over at him and nodded slowly.

"Yeah, okay.


After 2 hours, they made it into the city. The two stopped at a couple of stores which Gojo was often recognized at.

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