Freedom At Last!

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Author's Note: I completely forgot to describe how Cathy looked. So here you go..

She is a relatively tall woman with long black hair that ends at the middle of her back. She has fair skin and a semi-muscular frame. Her eyes are deep brown and she has a distinctive tattoo on her left arm that says.... "Satoru 🖤"

Onto the story now:

The dynamic duo packed up their belongings quickly and began their long trip. Occasionally stopping for snacks and for breaks.

"We're almost there! I can't wait to see it up close. It's probably way better than in the photos, right Satoru??"

"Yeah, hopefully."

Ugh. This smell though.

Gojo covered his mouth and nose as he continued driving.

"The scent is unbearable though."

"Oh quit complaining," she rolled her eyes. "It's not that bad. Besides, you'll get used to it."


They two were on the road for a few hours before stopping at an old fashioned farm house. That looked to be vacated. There was a barn about 50 yards away from the house. Many different crops stood in their own organized sections.
Various animals could be seen such as cattle, goats, pigs, chickens, etc...

Gojo was the first to step out the truck and survey the area. Shoko followed suit, standing right beside him.

"See? Not so bad, huh?" She took out her cigarette box again. Which made Gojo instinctively shift away.

"It's okay. Apart from that foul oder."

Gojo approached the house and knocked on the door.

"What're you doing!?" Shoko shouted from where she stood. "I thought this place was abandoned!?"

Gojo turned towards her direction and shouted back.

"I'm just checking! Just in case any squatters are in there!"

Just then, the door opened.

"Just who might you be?"

Gojo quickly turned around. And it was like love at first sight. The man that stood before him was a tall one, no taller than himself though. With lengthy black hair tied back into a bun and dark yet glossy eyes. He wore a red flannel shirt with dark jeans and brown timbs boots.

As Gojo sat there awestruck, Shoko rushed over to the greet the mysterious man. She pushed Gojo to the side slightly and cleared her throat.

"Hello there, sir. I am Shoko Ieiri and this is my best friend, Gojo Satoru. We saw your farm online and it seemed to be vacant, so we decided to try and move in."

The man blinked twice at Gojo (who quickly turned away after realizing that he was staring to long), and then turned his attention to Shoko. A warm smile now on his face.

"I see. Well I'm sorry to disappoint, but I live here. Along with my livestock and two girls."

Gojo's expression turned upset as he still faced away.

Of course he's a straight man. I wonder how his wife looks..

"Girls?" Shoko mimicked.

"Yes, they're my adopted daughters."


"How sweet..." She paused after noticing the two girls peeking from behind him.

"Who is that, Geto? I don't like new people."

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