♡Chapter 97♡

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{Poppy's outfit}

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{Poppy's outfit}

Poppy, Joey, Danny, Stephanie and DJ were currently in the living room which was covered in party decorations since it was Michelle's 5th birthday today.

Michelle, Jesse and Becky then walked downstairs and entered the living room.

"Let's start the party now!" Michelle eagerly says.

"Michelle, your little friends aren't here yet." Poppy told her youngest cousin.

Michelle shrugs. "Who needs them? We've got cake, we've got balloons, let's do it!"

Danny chuckled. "I know what we can do till your friends get here. We can take your official birthday picture for you baby book. Jess, you grab the book, Joey, you set up the shot, and I'll grab the camera. This is going to be the best picture I ever took."

"Okay, now give me a big five-year-old smile." Danny says as he begins taking photos of Michelle.

Joey poses in the background.

"Not you, the other five year old." Danny playfully glares at his best friend.

Michelle widely smiles and Danny takes a photo of his youngest daughter. The photo then comes out the camera and Jesse sticks it in Michelle's baby book.

Jesse handed the baby book over to Danny. "Alright, Michelle, this has everything in your whole entire life, starting from the day you were born." Jesse informed his niece.

Becky looks at the first page. "Look, Michelle, there's your birth announcement and your hospital bracelet." Becky points out.

Michelle points at something in the book. "What's that?"

"This is your very first tube of diaper-rash cream. I used to rub it on your little tushy." Danny told Michelle.

"Dad!" Michelle whined.

"Look at this. This is a picture I took the day Joey, Poppy and I moved in." Jesse said as he pointed at a photo of baby Michelle.

"Remember the first time we tried to change Michelle's diaper?" Joey laughed, looking over at the Katsopolis man.

"Are you kidding? I still have nightmares." Jesse jokes.

"You guys were dumb." Michelle giggled.

Jesse shrugged. "Well, we were learning on the job. I mean, it made me realise how much I missed out on raising Poppy when she was a baby." Jesse began ranting as he wrapped his arm around his daughter's shoulder. "I mean, sure, I looked after you, but I was a dumb and irresponsible teenager, so mainly Carson and Caleb looked after you."

Poppy stopped her dad from rambling as she held her finger up. "Dad, it's fine. Now, let's talk about Michelle. After all, it is her birthday."

"I remember the first time we tried to give Michelle her cough medicine." Joey mentions another memory.

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