♡Chapter 5♡

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{Poppy's outfit}

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{Poppy's outfit}

DJ, Poppy and Joey were in the living room.

Just then, Stephanie came in and she was dressed in her ballerina tutu and she had her head phones on. The 5 year old was dancing around the living room. "One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four." Stephanie counted her steps.

"Stephanie, you've been rehearsing for three days straight. You're this close to ballerina burn out." Joey pinched his fingers close together.

Stephanie didn't hear Joey's comment as she was too busy listening to music and dancing.

"Stephanie!" Poppy, Joey and DJ all shout as they try gaining Stephanie's attention.

Yet again, Stephanie still didn't hear them.

"Stephanie" Joey repeats himself.

Stephanie just continues dancing.

"Maybe we should just take the hint and let her be." Poppy shrugged.

DJ and Joey then remove Stephanie's head phones from her ears. "Stephanie!" The two shout, finally getting the blonde 5 year olds attention.

"I am not Stephanie. I'm a swan who's about to kick the bucket" Stephanie then dances past Joey and collapses on the floor.

Joey gasps. "Oh God, there's a dead swan in the living room!"

Stephanie sits up. "Joey, I'm alive. I was just acting."

Joey plays along. "No! Get out of town! Unbelievable!"

The sound of keys unlocking the front door made Stephanie stand up.

"Uh oh, that's daddy! I don't want him to see me in my tutu until show time! Yikes!" Stephanie runs into the kitchen.

Danny then walks into his home. "Sorry I'm late. I was editing my feature on Great Moments In Bowling, and I got held up when I couldn't find a second moment." Danny apologises.

"So dad, after Stephanie's recital, we hit the big sale at the Fashion Mart. Everything is half off." DJ tells her dad.

"Oh, yes. Please." Poppy excitedly jumps up and down.

Danny looks between DJ and Poppy. "Of course that doesn't save me any money, because you two will just buy twice as much stuff right?"

"I like your attitude." Poppy nodded.

Jesse then comes down the stairs in a tuxedo. "It's Saturday afternoon, I'm all dressed up, and where am I going? A munchkin ballet."

"Uncle Jesse, hot outfit!" DJ approved. "Help Joey." The girl then pointed over at Joey who was wearing a very colourful suit.

𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐞 {𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞} [𝐎𝐂 𝐗 𝐎𝐂]Where stories live. Discover now