♡Chapter 95♡

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{Poppy's outfit}

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{Poppy's outfit}

Poppy and DJ walk downstairs into the kitchen where they see Joey and Danny.

"Hey, Dad. Don't forget that Poppy and I are gonna be home late after school today." DJ reminded her father.

"We're gonna meet Eddie Johnson, our adopted grandparent at the nursing home." Poppy told the two men.

Danny smiled warmly at the two teenagers. "I am really proud of you girls. Volunteering to spend some of your free time every week visiting a senior citizen."

Poppy anxiously twiddles her thumbs. "Well, I'm kind of nervous about meeting Eddie."

"Me too." DJ nodded. "I mean, what are we gonna talk to him about? He's 75 years old."

Joey shrugs. "Well, you girls could talk to him about his life. He's been through the great depression, two world wars, five stooges. Ask him how he felt the first time he saw Curly use that eye-gouge deflector." Joey suggests.

Joey and Danny then begin doing some impressions which made DJ and Poppy feel even more confused.

"Thanks, you've been a big help." Poppy sarcastically remarked, rolling her eyes.

"Come on, girls. Eddie's gonna like you two a lot." Danny insists. "You're both terrific girls and you guys are doing a wonderful thing." Danny proudly said. "You two make me realise that there's a lot of hope for the younger generation."

Just then, the back door opens and Kimmy walks in. "Hey, Deej, Poppy, guess how many corn dogs I can fit in my mouth? Six. Eight if I remove the sticks."

Danny sighed. "Then again 'hope' might be a strong word."

"Bye!" DJ and Poppy wave to Joey and Danny as they walk out the house.

As Kimmy, DJ and Poppy left the house, they went into the backyard where they saw Michelle and Stephanie trying to teach Comet some tricks.

"Okay, ready to jump, Comet?" Stephanie says to the family dog. "One, two..." Stephanie begins counting down.

Michelle held her finger up. "Time-out. Why can't Comet jump over you?"

"Because I'm the trainer and you're the thing he jumps over." Stephanie casually says.

Michelle nodded in understanding. "Okay, just asking."

Stephanie clapped her hands. "Okay, ready, Comet? One, two, three, jump!"

Comet goes over to Michelle, but he doesn't jump over her, instead, he just lays his head on her back.

"If you wanna see tricks, you should see my dog, Coco." Kimmy smugly smirked.

"Drinking from the toilet is not a trick." DJ told her best friend as she shook her head.

"It is when she does it through a straw." Kimmy nods. "Coco's the smartest dog on the block."

𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐞 {𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞} [𝐎𝐂 𝐗 𝐎𝐂]Where stories live. Discover now