Chapter 167

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I fell face first on the bed both physically and mentally exhausted beyond limit.

After studying the entire day, for the first time in a very long while my mind was numb from the overload of information so much so that I could still see words dancing before my tired eyes.

To think there was a time in my previous life when I used to pull all-nighters frequently during exam season, I'm proud of myself.

Seeing the portrait made me more fired up than I had initially thought. Before I realized what I was doing, I already had a pile of books around me all arranged in order of relevance with a few more set aside to read the next day. As a result, my energy level was as low as a lifeless battery.

Groaning, I rolled over and stretched my arms and legs.

As I did so, I could hear the popping sound of my bones. It was a sign that my body which was not used to being idle for a prolonged amount of time had grown stiff without any form of exercise.

'Maybe I should consider taking walks and some light exercising' I made a note to myself flexing my stiff neck.

I can already see myself spending a lot of time in the library searching for clues to solve the mystery of my sudden mana outbreak and there was no knowing how long it would take. At the same time, it might not be productive to be cooped in a corner.

Exercise sounded like a good idea to take my mind off stressful things. But that was for tomorrow. As for now just I want to melt into the soft bed, cuddle up in the sheets, and go to sleep.

"Mmmm!" I stretched again.

The comfortable pajamas I was wearing made it easy to move and stretch my legs freely compared to the long dress I wore in the morning.

Earlier when I exited the bath, I was not exactly surprised by the collection of incredibly inappropriate nightgowns the maids rolled in.

"I am not wearing that monstrosity"

However, what did surprise me was the normal set of pajamas they immediately brought out after I opposed it. It was a simple t-shirt and pants set made with soft breathable cloth like the kind I used to wear in Asherd, my home.

"These were made after the clothes sent by the Madam's household" disclosed Eve, the one who brought the new pajamas for me.

Apparently, after I was presumed dead, all of my belongings that were sent from Ashford County were moved into storage. When Edward came to, he ordered them to be retrieved from storage and placed alongside his own as if we still living together.

'...which still boggles my mind'

Around the time Edward went to Velven as an envoy, the butler had numerous tailors, cobblers, and artisans from all over Orion come to the Frost estate to assemble the wardrobe that I was currently in.

Thanks to that, most of the clothing made for me was designed after those sent from home to make it easier for me to 'remember' my past. They figured that the more familiar things I was surrounded with the more would be the possibility for me to regain my memories.

Since this was a bubble that was too far gone to break, I instead asked,

"If you had these the entire time, why did you bring me those excuses of an underwear?"

"These clothes were sent by the Archduchess"


I stared at her dumbfounded unable to believe her. Even the most mind-bending books of mana ever written could not have prepared me for what I had just learned.

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