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When Angelica reached the base of the mountain, she hid on top of a tree and observed the area.

She climbed to a vantage point and took a look at the surroundings. As far as she could see, there was not a single living thing in sight. Not even any wild animals or birds.

She traveled a bit further by jumping through the dense trees. This was to ensure her safety just in case the people from the temple decided to look for their visitors who were running late.

Angelica stopped at the edge of the row of trees, right in front of the grasslands.

Since it was already late into the night, the place was quiet.

Suddenly she heard the sound of sheep coming in her direction.

The first person Angelica saw after going on a rampage, was a small shepherd boy hoarding a flock of sheep.

He was holding a lantern in one hand and a cane in the other. He looked around nine to ten years of age.

"Hey" Angelica called out to him, appearing out of the air.

"Can I help you?" The little boy asked calmly.

He didn't seem to be surprised by her sudden appearance behind him, which left Angelica impressed.

"Go and find the nearest guard tower" Angelica said sizing him with her eyes.

"Tell him there is a bunch of heavily injured people on the top of the mountain"

"Hmmm" The little boy contemplated.

His appearance looked cute with bushy blonde hair and bright orange eyes.

"What do I get from it?" The little boy asked back looking straight at her face.

'Wow....would you look at that' Angelica smirked.

She tossed him a gold coin.

"Now can you do it?" She asked with arched eyebrows.

"Sure can do lady" The little boy smiled innocently. His angelic smile was in absolute contrast to his bargaining side.

Pleased by his attitude, Angelica ruffled his hair with her hand.

"You look like a smart boy"

"Do you know someplace where I could get some fresh clothes, a nice bath, and food.......... without attracting unwanted attention if you get what I mean"

"What if I do?" He shot back as if he was waiting to be asked, his eyes full of expectations.

Angelica smiled and tossed five more gold coins into his tiny hands.

With the smile of a satisfied businessman, the little boy signaled her towards him.

"Follow me" 

"Oh! I'm Danny by the way. It's a pleasure doing business with you"

Danny extended his hand for a handshake.

"Likewise" Angelica replied and took his hand. She was impressed by his business mind.

"Let's go to my home. It is a little far from here" 

Danny started walking, pointing his hand towards the meadows up ahead. 

After a few minutes of walking through the grasslands, aside from Danny, herself, and the sheep there was still not a soul in sight.

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