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A week ago.

Rosaline, Lorenz, and Maria were having tea in the back garden.

They were discussing the yearly revenue turnover report that was to be submitted to the imperial palace in a month's time.

Lorenz will attend the annual budget conference to represent the Ashfords.

Even though most nobles would rather have their representatives attend in their stead, it was one of the few events that required the head of each house to represent their territory before the crown. Thus it was also considered a place to socialize and increase connections between families. 

But for the Ashfords, it was nothing more than a yearly task he had to complete as the Lord of the land. With all the necessary arrangements completed for their travel, it was a quiet and peaceful evening for the three.


Or it was.

Suddenly they heard Clive crying. It was coming from the direction of the fountain in the garden.

Not knowing what happened that made him cry, they ran to him.

After a few seconds, they found Clive hunched down near the fountain, crying his eyes out.

"What happened Clive? Did you get hurt?" Rosaline asked worriedly. She checked her son to see if he's been hurt anywhere.

"He's not hurt" She breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why are you crying Clive?" asked Lorenz, wondering what could have happened to make him cry like that.

Clive was not the type of child who would cry to create a scene or attract attention.

They had another child to do that.

"Mother.... no. Countess Ashford please don't throw me away" Tears ran down Clive's cheek like a waterfall.

"Why would we throw you away Clive. You are our precious son" Lorenz took his crying son in his arms and consoled him.

"But An-An........." Clive glanced around them. He was searching for Angelica, who disappeared in the air after making him cry.

*sniff* *sniff*

"Where is your sister Clive?"

Lorenz asked Clive.

"Did she hurt you?"


*sniff* *sniff*

"Then what happened?" Rosaline wiped the tear stains on Clive's cheeks.

As he grew older, the chubbiness of his cheeks decreased at an alarming rate. She felt a bit sad that there was no more chubbiness left.

"She told me the truth" said Clive in between sniffs.

"What truth Clive? What did she tell you?"

"What did you tell him, Angelica?" Maria turned to the little girl who has been standing behind them since god knows when.

The little girl has been standing there and observing the ordeal from the very beginning smiling like an angel.

"It's time he knew grandmother" Angelica tilted her head.

"So I told him the truth"

Rosaline and Lorenz looked confused, while Maria was amused. This was their first time hearing anything about it.

"The universal truth that every sibling in the world has to overcome" said Angelica looking at Maria innocently.

"Waaaaaah" Clive went off again.

"Just what did she tell you to cry like this?" Rosaline tried to ask him again.

"She told me I was adopted"

" " Adopted!?" " exclaimed Rosaline and Lorenz at the same time looking at each other. It was the most ridiculous thing they had ever heard.

"You picked me up from the dumpster near the forest outpost. Please don't throw me away, father. I... I ... I don't want to live in a dumpster. waaaah"

Clive started crying leaning on Lorenz's shoulders.

"Oh my god" Lorenz's jaw dropped.

"Angelica! Why would you say that".

"Whaaaaaaaat? He was just so cute I couldn't help myself" Angelica shrugged.

"And it was bout' time he knew. Don't worry brother. No matter who you are I will always love you. So don't cry, no hard feelings kay?" she said smiling brightly

"Just look at yourself Clive" Rosaline consoled him, "You look just like your father. Why did you believe that you were adopted?"

"But..but...." Clive stuttered.

"Your hair is the same platinum blonde" Rosaline patted Clive's head

"Dye" Angelica muttered under her breath

"Your eyes are emerald green"


"Enough Angelica!" Rosaline snapped.

"Tsk" Angelica clicked her tongue and looked away.

"Mother, why are you smiling?" Lorenz asked Maria, who was grinning at the chaos his daughter had created.

"I didn't see that coming. *smiles* I think it's time to start Angelica's training"

"Yaaay" Angelica hugged Maria's legs and buried her face in her clothes.

"Hoho" Countess Maria hasn't had a good laugh in a long time. She didn't expect this from her granddaughter.

For her, who was considerably mature compared to her brother to do something like this.

It was evident that she needed attention.

It was times like this that made her look like the child she was.

Although it was a bit early to start Angelica's training. It would at least keep her distracted from wrecking havoc.

"You are not adopted, Clive. You are our son. We would never throw you away" said Rosaline while glancing at Angelica. She was urging her to tell the truth with her eyes.

"Yeah yeah" Angelica stepped forward and pulled Clive's hands towards her.

Clive obediently walked towards her without fighting back. He was a well-trained puppy at this point.

"You are their son alright" Angelica put a hand around his shoulders and said loudly so that everybody could hear.

Together they started walking towards the main residence.

'Don't believe them' She whispered in Clive's ears. It was loud enough for only Clive to hear.

"You are a bonafide Ashford"

'Just think about it. You were there when I was born. But it's not the same in your case'

"What?" Clive's eyes grew big.

"Don't worry. You're always my adorable brother" She continued

"Now. Let's go dumpster baby. I'll give you my share of cake" Angelica winked.


"Angelica!" Rosaline exclaimed.


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