Ch 54

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"All right, now pay attention. Lord Hokage is going to explain the 3rd exam to you. You better listen carefully, maggots." Anko directed all our attention to Hiruzen. 

"First, before I tell you about the coming third exam, I want to explain something about the test itself. Listen closely now, it's something all of you need to understand." 

He now has the room. 

"I'm going to tell you the true purpose of these exams." To become a chunin? "Why do you suppose our country holds these exams in conjunction with our allies?" 

Who knows. It's not like it will impact my life.

"To raise the ability levels of the Shinobi, and increase friendship between allied nations to be sure. But it's important to understand its true meaning. The exams are so to speak..." 

He took a pause and blew out smoke. 

"They are a representation of the battle between allied nations." 

He is making this seem more interesting than it is. 

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Tenten asked. 

"If you go back in time, the current allies were enemies who fought each other over who would rule." 

You're making it seem like no one knows that. Everyone's universe's history is like that. 

"In order to prevent wasteful fighting, those nations picked champions to do battle on behalf of their countries and a mutually selected location. That's how the chunin selection exams originally began." 

Oh? A lot more boring than I thought. But maybe it's his explanation that makes it so. 

"Well, that's great but why do we have to go through these exams then?" Naruto piped up. "I mean it's not like we're doing this to pick chunin to go fight." 

There's always a reason, Naruto. 

"It is a fact that this exam decides which shinobi have what it takes to become a chunin. But that's just not the whole story, these exams also allow for a place where shinobi can carry the pride of their nation on their backs. And fight against other ninjas for their very lives." 

I sighed to myself. So much talking. 

"Many leaders and people of prominence from various countries are invited to attend this exam as guests, and also possibly be selected to work for them. This exam could determine the course of your ninja work from here on out. And more importantly, those rulers will watch your battles and take note of the strengths of each ninja, and each nation is developing." 

This smells a whole lot like people are just getting info on other countries so they can prepare an attack. Oh wait, that's what it is. I'm just gonna ignore all the boring things until something good comes up. 

*spacing out* 



"The country's strength is the village's strength. The village's strength is the shinobi's strength. And the true strength of the shinobi is only achieved when it's pushed to its limits. Such as when it's in a life and death battle. This exam is a chance for each nation to display the strength of its Shinobi, and hence the strength of the nation itself. It's Because this is an exam where your life's on the line, that it has meaning. And it's for this very reason that for the strength of the nation, that your full runners fought in this exam. It's truly a dream worth striving for." 

Is this a motivational speech? 

I thought this was a history lesson.

A long drawn out one. 

"But then why did you use the expansion 'friendship' before?" Tenten asked. 

Wait, did he? I didn't hear it. Meh, I don't care. 

"As I said, in the beginning, I don't want you to confuse the purpose of this period by losing life and establishing balance. This is the shape of friendship in the world as a Shinobi. Before we begin the third test, I will tell you one more thing. This is not just a test, this is a life risking battle. With your dreams and your country's prestige on the line." 

How fun. 


"Well he sure convinced me," Naruto smiled. 

He sure didn't convince me, that's for sure. 

"Any test is fine, just tell me what the details of the exam are already. I can handle anything you throw at me," Gaara was getting impatient. 

As was I. 

"Very well then, listen closely. I'm going to tell you exactly what you'll be doing on the third exam." 

Finally, I was just about to fall asleep here. I would be serious, if it weren't for Orochimaru staring at me and Sasuke the whole time. 

Kill me please. 

Before anyone could do anything, a jonin suddenly appeared. 

"Lord Hokage, before you do. Please allow me, Hayate Gekkō, appointed prompter of the third exams to speak first." 

Oh, it's him. I remember him. 

"So be it." Hiruzen wants to sound so cool so badly. It's not working. Yes people, I have a little grudge on him. 

"It's nice to meet you all," Hayate coughs a bit. "There's something I would like all of you..." he cuts himself off my coughing again. 

" do before the exam." 

The man just goes into a coughing fit. Which makes me slightly back away from him. Covid is still fresh in my mind, I'm traumatized by it. 

"Um, we have to have a preliminary exam before we can move onto...the real one." 

Why is he stopping in the middle of talking? 

A few genin in the crowd started to voice their confusion and complaints as they didn't see the point in having preliminary exams. 

"Um, well you see, the first and second exams might have been too easy. The fact is we never expected so many of you to still be here." 

Yes, they are strong. 

They are my pride and joy. 

"According to the rules of the chunin exam, the preliminary round could be held at any stage in order to reduce the amount of candidates remaining." 

If this was me, I would be upset too. 

Like, just imagine, too many people passed an exam, so they give you another one to make less pass. 

"But, is that fair?" No Sakura, no it is not. 

"It's just that at this stage, we have to speed things up a bit. As lord Hokage said, a lot of important guests will be watching. We can't afford to waste their time. They've come to see you only the best." 

Good excuse. I need to hear more so I can actually taste the bullshit next time. 

"So if there are any of you feel you're not in top physical condition, now's your chance to-" Another coughing fit. 

I swear, you better get help my guy. 

I'm dying watching you, and you're actually dying.

How does that work??

A/n Thank you for waiting! This is the first time I haven't published a chapter since the beginning of August! Enjoy~

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