Ch 39

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"Lord Orochimaru, we can't trust her. She was lying," Orochimaru only chuckled quietly. 

"I'm serious, she's a threat to our whole plan." Orochimaru finally turned to Kabuto "I know she was lying." Kabuto was stunned "but then why-" 

"Because," Orochimaru interrupted, "she plans on making the lie, truth. Did you not see the crazed look on that child, she completely believes she could do it. And I, for one, want to see it too." 

Kabuto couldn't lie that he was interested as well, but he didn't like the girl called Hitori. She definitely had her own intentions, and he needed to find out if those intentions would threaten their plan. 

"I don't care if it succeeds or not, I want to know her ideas." 

////////(- - )/////////

"Hitori, you said you know a lot of information?" I raised a brow "yes I do?" 

I had kept giving him reasons to keep me alive. Making myself out to be useful and everything while not looking desporate. Though I might be failing. While I am just pushing myself on to these guys, it isn't without cause. 

"Tell me something then," I am surprised that Orochimaru is so calm and not trying to kill me. He's acting weird. 

"You were in the Akatsuki, your partner was Sasori of the red sand." Orochimaru's expression didn't change but I knew he was shocked by the fact that he kept silent. He could also be thinking about his next words carefully. 

He then licked his lips slowly with his freakishly long tongue, keeping eye contact with me the whole time, "very good." 

Never do that again I beg you. 

I will pay for you to never do that again. 

"Anything else?" I smirked and leaned back on the chair I was on, "why ask a question when you know the answer." 

Orochimaru chuckled deeply "kuku, you're cheeky." 

I rolled my eyes, "but yes, I know a lot. Too much you could say." Orochimaru leaned forward, "how so?" I smirked "do you want it on you, kabuto, or the Leaf village?" I saw Orochimaru's hand twitch at the mention on the Leaf, guess he does have hatred for the village. 

"Kabuto," he answered. I smirked, "bring him in." 

Orochimaru tilted his head but obliged, Kabuto came into the room soon after. "You wanted to see me, Lord Orochimaru?" I stood up and walked over to Kabuto, "I'm showcasing my knowledge that would have me killed or tortured," Kabuto hummed but stayed silent.  

I smirked, "my dear Kabuto Yakushi, you have led the life of many." Kabuto tensed but didn't react. I smirked evilly, "I know a name that would break your calmness," Kabuto narrowed his eyes at me while Orochimaru's smile grew with each moment. 

I leaned close to him and whispered in his ear, "Nono." 

Kabuto immediately went to strike my neck with his chakra scalpel, but stopped just short of my neck. 

"What's wrong, scared of death?" I turned to Orochimru, who no longer had a smirk on his face. 

That comment was for both of them. 

I had a katana pointed at Kabuto's stomach. 

"I should ask you the same thing," I looked back at Kabuto. "Silly boy, I'm already dead. I've died many times, what's one more?" 

Kabuto grunted, clearly annoyed with the situation I've put him in. 

"So, what's it going to be boys, I know we are playing friendly but this is getting long," they listened closely. "You know I want a give and take, a partnership maybe. So what do you want? What is going to happen in the next minute?" 

Kabuto glared at me while Orochimaru stood up, walking in our direction. 

"Is that a threat?" 

I chuckled mockingly "why would I threaten you, I want to be allies." I took my katana off Kabuto's stomach, but it was still close enough that I could cut him if needed. 

"As you see, I'm putting a lot on the line," Kabuto raised his eyes in surprise. Orochimaru hummed, "while it is tempting, why couldn't I just torture it out of you?" I rolled my eyes, "where's the fun in that." 

Orochimaru smiled creepily "there is some fun in that." 

I laughed, "some fun, yes. But don't you want to have fun for a long time?" Orochimaru chuckled and nodded to Kabuto, who then lowered his hands. 

"I'll take your offer, just make sure not to betray me, I don't take kindly to that." I put away my katana, "I have no one who's even a candidate." 

I turned to Kabuto, "no hard feelings, I was just making a point." 

He frowned but nodded "sure... I wasn't expecting you to apologize." 

I rubbed my neck, "I was kinda putting up a front." Orochimaru smirked, "I see." 

I rolled my eyes and leaned against the wall, "anyway, tell me how much you trust me at the moment." 

Kabuto scoffed but kept silent, Orochimaru didn't, "why ask a question when you know the answer." 

I giggled "you're cheeky." 

We both smirked at each other. 

"What is happening..." Kabuto shook his head in annoyance. 

"If you tell me a secret of yourself, I'll have more trust in you Hitori." I shook my head before I sighed. 

I'll just have to do 'that'. 

I'm going to have to show them anyway, might as well be now. 

"Here, maybe this will take me a few more points," they both look intently at me. I transformed back into a 13 year old. 

Yes, I looked 18 the whole conversation. 

Orochimaru smirked creepily while Kabuto looked at me in shock. 

"Oh my," Orochimaru looked me up and down slowly. 

"So young, so powerful," I rolled my eyes and went back to being 18. 

"I was in a draw with a kid?" Kabuto looked confused, "I may be young but I've seen shit." Orochimaru seemed to be analyzing me and the situation. 

I felt uncomfortable again. 

Did I make a mistake?

A/n It is 3am on a school night... What am I doing with my life!? Oh! Listening to Nelly Furtado and eating sweet popato fries! That's what! So how's school people? Cause I know there are many people reading this under the age of 18. Enjoy~

I will survive (naruto fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant