Chapter Sixty-Five

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My legs burned as I ran, and the tiredness in my bones threatened to swallow me whole, but I did not stop once as I bolted through the forest. My mind raced, trying to recall the foggy memories of what took place no more than ten minutes ago when really, in my head, it felt like a lifetime ago. I could remember Azriel gaining control of me, and then sending me over to attack Raina. I was already upon her before I even knew what was happening, what was going on, and after that... the memories became obscure.

Blood spraying. Screaming. Terrified eyes. It was all I remembered after that. Where had I attacked Raina? How badly was she hurt? The questions ran laps around my mind as I forced myself onwards, my eyes stinging at thoughts of the worst.

When I burst from the tree line and stumbled into the court grounds, my heart sank as I saw the Northern soldiers all gathered in a circle. For a moment, my breaths became shallow, and the air around me dropped several degrees. I sensed Faelen following silently behind, but I paid him no heed as I sprinted towards the circle, my heart beating a foreboding tune as I ran.

As I approached, I noticed several things. For one, Azriel's army had dispersed, the only evidence of their prescence being the bodies littering the grounds. Secondly, a familiar head of auburn hair burst out among the colours in the circle, and I allowed myself a moment of reprieve as I spied Alia to the left. Zion and Alia are back -- safe. Of course, nobody in the Southern Army would have thought to bring them back. The Zeta who held their chains had died, and I'd chased Azriel out before he could reclaim them. I'd have to thank whichever kind soul took off their shackles and welcomed them into the court with question.

However, my relief dwindled as an aggrieved cry met my ears. Bile rose to my throat, and I hurriedly pushed my way into the circle, not caring who I shoved aside. The bodies blocked my view of the centre, though I had an idea of what was to greet me just by the sounds of the cries. My blood turned to ice, and when I finally made it to the centre, my body froze, and the world stopped spinning entirely.

The first thing I saw was Azure. At first, I was relieved to see she was okay -- until I spied the blood coating her forehead and forearms. I looked down to find her clutching a girl like a lifeline.

At first, I didn't recognise the girl in her arms. Or maybe my mind just refused to. Her golden hair was caked with the russet stain of dried blood, and her pale face was tinged blue and grey. Anything below her chin was unrecognisable. Her throat was in ribbons, the blood from the violent wound spanning all the way up to her mouth and down to the skin of her bare navel.

Raina. Her name echoed through my hollow mind. Everything around me turned to ice in that moment. I didn't want to believe she was dead. I couldn't bring myself to believe that she could have died -- let alone by such a violent death.

Another strangled cry ripped from Azure's throat, resounding through my very bones. My heart called back, empty and hollow, as I sunk to my knees. The memories rushed back to me in an instant, ambushing my mind and forcing a horrible sound from my throat. I was the one who did this. I'd been the one to tear her throat out -- even if Azriel was the one controlling me. It was her blood I'd tasted in my mouth; her flesh that I'd marred. It was my teeth that had ripped her apart. It was me. All me.

I choked, staring at my friend's broken body. Some inane part of me felt the need to apologise, but to what? To the body? The body of girl that I killed? My own friend? The damage had been done. Any sorrows from me were null and void.

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