Chapter Fifty-One

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For a while, I just stared at the bolt in disbelief. I had a vague sensation of pain and a slight inclination that something was very wrong. That -- for some reason other than the crimson blood flowing from the wound -- my vision was doubling, and my entire body had gone numb with cold. 

I dropped to my knees, feeling utterly immobilised. I could hear Faelen and Zion yelling somewhere in the distance, but the sounds were echoing around me -- my jagged breathing the uneven beats of my heart the only concrete sounds in the world. I stared at the wound, watching as the blood ran. It was so red. So, so red.

"We had a deal!" Someone boomed, and I sluggishly looked to find the voice belonged to none other than Osyn. He was stock-still at the edge of the clearing, eyes swivelling in his sockets as he stared between me and Azriel.

The latter chuckled, and I turned in time to see him shuck off his silver bands -- the binds falling to the ground with resounding thuds. He looked at me with ill intent in those sapphire eyes, and it was at that moment that my sluggish brain put together the facts -- I was injured, and with silver binding my arms and poison in my blood, I was terribly vulnerable to Azriel's control.

"Wolfsbane," he whispered, almost in wonder. "Never fails."

"Bastard!" Faelen roared. He looked ready to shift, but before he could, invisible tethers yanked on my limbs and drew me upright. I groaned in agony.

"Careful now, Delta," Azriel ground out. "We don't want to hurt our precious Kyra now, do we?"

As though to drive the point home, I watched on in muted horror as my own hand wrapped around the bolt and yanked it out my side. A small gasp of pain left my lips as Azriel directed my hand so that the arrow's head pointed towards my sternum. 

I looked to Faelen, and for a few moments, we just locked eyes. I could see the rage and desperation warring behind his gaze -- the desire to save me while also knowing that any wrong move could cost me my life. I don't know what my eyes conveyed -- pain? Desperation that mirrored his own? All I knew was that I was terribly, terribly afraid. Afraid of that familiar sensation of cold tendrils snaking over my skin, winding around my limbs, turning my body to a prison. 

A wave of dizziness overcame me, and I swayed on my feet, keenly aware of the blood that was gushing from the wound in my side. Faelen's eyes slid to it as well, and I watched them widen in horror as he took in what was undoubtably a gory wound.

"What do you want, South?" Faelen finally asked, meeting my eyes again. 

Azriel chuckled from behind. "Nothing from you, Delta. This is something I want from my Kyra-dear. Now, turn to face me, dear."

My body obeyed his command and turned swiftly to face him, despite the pain that came with such a sudden movement. His eyes were glinting with satisfaction, and I wondered if he could feel the immense fear pounding down the bond. 

His lips stretched into a smile. "Now, Kyra, I'll give you two choices." At that moment, he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a glinting object. He chucked it towards me, and my hands caught it with controlled precision. A silver dagger, I realised with a cold thump of my heart.

"Either, you accept my deal and accompany me back to the Southern Court, where you will swear a blood vow of loyalty to me and me only. Or..." he smirked like a devious child unable to contain himself. " can take that dagger and drive it into Zion's heart. Your fate -- and his fate -- lies with you now."

My heart stuttered to a stop. I swayed again -- but this time, it had nothing to do with the blood loss. I allowed my eyes to slide over to Zion, his green eyes wide and wild with fear. I took in my red-headed friend; how pale he was, how gaunt and starved he looked. He'd suffered enough as is...

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