Chapter Twenty-Four

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I sat on my bed, fuming. Only after had the anger died down was I able to process just what I'd done, and just what Alpha Osyn had said. 

I'd reacted. I'd reacted in a way that could lead to consequences, but I didn't care. I'd do it all again if I had to. Next time, I wouldn't let any of my friends stop me. Next time, I would go for the throat. 

A ruckus sounded outside my door, and a moment later, a bronze figure toppled in. I shot up immediately, thinking maybe it was one of the higher court coming to kick me out, but the devious grin and barely-contained chuckles told me it wasn't.

"Luc?" I asked, stunned. His hazel eyes turned to me, and whatever he'd been using to hold back his laughter failed him. He exploded into a fit of giggles, stumbling towards me like a drunk. 

"That was amazing, Ky!"

I frowned, brushing away the small confusion at my new nickname. "What?"

I flinched as he flopped down next to me, sprawling across the covers as though he owned the bed. "Didn't you see Alpha Osyn's face? Man, that was priceless. He looked about ready to shit himself when you lifted him off the ground. And then after you left?" He barked out another laugh, wiping a rough tear from under his eye. "Man, he was blushing like mad! You would have thought him a young maiden who's been asked to dance; he was horrified. He didn't even say the prayer, he just dismissed us instead."

I blinked. Once. Twice. I hadn't bothered to consider how Osyn may have felt, nor did I wonder as to what would happen after. I was too lost in the moment at the time, but having it relayed to me now... I couldn't help the sick satisfaction that trilled through me. An evil satisfaction, one that washed away the pain of seeing my friends tortured, the bitterness that had been weighing me down these days. 

But as I stared at Luc, his eyes bright with laughter, I found myself scowling again. "Luc, aren't you angry? I just attacked your Alpha."

Luc choked on a laugh. "If you'd done that a month ago, when I barely knew you, I may have felt so. But after hearing your story, and how he turned it against you..." His smile settled into a grimace. "What can I say? he deserved it. Even much of the court agrees he took it too far." 

I nodded, not quite sure how to absorb this new information. Without warning, he placed his hand on mine, his skin warm, almost hot. It made me wonder if my hand was cold. "Don't get me wrong, I respect Osyn and all, but sometimes he punches above his weight. And since he's too proud to apologise, I'll do it on his behalf." Slowly, Luc sat up, his voice unnervingly close to Osyn's as he mocked, "Apologies, Kyra, my ego is inflated to the size of a house. I sincerely apologise for being a dip-shit. I hope you will forgive me for this mishap, but even if you do, I will continue to be an ass."

Warmth glowed at my core, and for just a single, glorious moment, I laughed. Luc beamed.

And then that joy was drowning, pushed under the waves of despair so ruthlessly that it felt as though I had been punched. I turned away with a grimace, guilt flooding through me. Who was I to even enjoy a laugh when Zion was being tortured? Why was I still here? Shouldn't I be making my way to the Southern Court to save him?

But that was as good as walking into my own death.

It took me a moment to realise the room had fallen into an uncomfortable silence. Luc looked panicked, obviously worried he'd upset me. I was about to assure him otherwise when a delicate knock came at the door. 

"Come in!" Luc sang, springing off the bed, obviously relieved for a distraction. In an instant, the door was opened, and Luna Darla's ice blue eyes were peering through the crack. 

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