EC 9: Protective

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"Is that the Alpha's mate?" he eyed the bleeding man lying on the ground while also observing the Alpha. She was still growling and even took a defensive stance above the man.

"Yes, this is a little bit inconvenient. We did not expect that the Alpha will find her mate in this kind of situation. Now we need to calm the Alpha down and let her allow us to look at the man. Judging from the blood, the wound is definitely deep and it needs immediate attention." He looked at Zael who just finished putting on the clothes and gestured to the direction of the Alpha and her mate, "Now do your job and convince the Alpha."

"Alright, I'll do my best. I'll be counting on you to save me if the Alpha decides to rip me in sheds when I try to approach them." He slowly walked forward while carefully watching the Alpha's reaction. Every step he took near them, Amber would give a growl and lowered her body as an indication that she was ready to attack anytime.

Zael raised his hand in surrender while walking forward, "Alpha, we are here to help you and your mate. We mean you no harm, please we need to treat your mate immediately or else he will die of blood loss." The wolf growled but it was not as aggressive as before, it seems that Zael's words had worked a little bit. "The wound on his shoulder can be fatal if it is not tended to and he is losing a lot of blood. Alpha, if you don't want him to die, you should let us help."

With those words, the alpha wolf's head looked down and she could feel that her mate's breathing was getting shallow. Reluctantly, she moved aside to let Zael take a step forward but the moment the others attempted to get near, she growled and almost pounced at them if not for Zael stopping them from moving forward.

He kneeled beside the man and checked his pulse after that he slightly moved the man to look at the wound. The blood on the ground had already dried up but there was still a lot of it coming from the wound. He took a bandaged from his pocket and carefully bandaged the wound to temporarily stop the bleeding.

"Alpha, we need to bring him to the pack and let the pack doctor take over. He had already lost too much blood," Zael looked at the Alpha's eyes with conviction. "If you won't allow us to move him, he'll surely die."

She growled and bared his fangs after hearing the word die once again. With not much option, she moved aside to let them do their job. Zayier and the other pack warriors already had a stretcher prepared. They carefully lifted the wounded man and carried him carefully through the dark paths of the forest. The Alpha refused to turn into her human form and remained vigilant along the way.

The pack members were surprised to see their Alpha in her wolf form and that they were escorting an unconscious man into the pack house. It was a first for them to see this kind of scene inside their territory since their Alpha was not keen on letting other people in. If any of them were to discover people inside Ceurian, they were to report it to the Beta and will let him handle them. Whispered questions started to circulate around the pack but the Alpha had no time to mind them.

Dr. Silver, who was already waiting for them, immediately moved to work the moment they transferred him to the bed. She instructed them to leave and only the Alpha was to stay since she was notified of the situation because she can't agitate their Alpha even more.

The doctor cleaned the wound and saw several deep puncture wounds that came from the rogue's fangs. Amber could not help the growl that escaped from her when she saw the wound. Dr. Silver tensed at the growl but she still continued with her work and carefully applied a thin layer of an antibiotic cream on the wound. After doing that, she covered the wound to keep it clean and free from infection. She then covered him with a clean blanket before facing the Alpha.

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