EC 5: Mundane

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Friday came and after a grueling battle against traffic, Xander finally reached the company. He rushed to the elevator while hastily greeting the employees who were enthusiastically greeting and admiring him. Once he sat down on his chair, his work had finally started.

He pressed a button on his office table and the blinds covering the floor to ceiling window of his office automatically parted letting the natural light from the sun to enter. It also added a warmth feeling to his somewhat of a minimalist office. He personally designed this place with wood panels on all sides except for the location of the windows. Abstract paintings were place on the walls as a little bit of decoration. Behind the table was a book shelf where books he needed for work or for past time were placed since he liked to read books when he is not that busy.

In front of the table was a small receiving area where he can talk with clients or visitors more comfortably. He also placed some greeneries inside the office to make it a little bit more pleasing to the eye. While reminiscing, he heard a knock and let the person enter.

"How is your morning sir?" his secretary asked after she entered. She walked towards the table and placed a cup of tea on it.

"Hectic and tiring, it's only a little past eight but I felt like I had been working for hours now because of the traffic I encountered," he answered while leaning on the chair and sipping the hot tea she prepared for him.

"You'll be fine soon sir, once you close the deal with Mr. Alvarez you can free up some of your schedule and get home early," he looked up at his ever-supportive secretary, Lillian, who would always comfort him with her words. She had been working for him ever since he took over the company and she had become like a big sister to him. She works efficiently and could read his mood easily so that she can adjust when necessary. Honestly, her positive and cheery attitude is a breath of fresh air whenever he has so much to deal with inside the company.

"Thank you as always Lillian," he smiled. "You can go back to work now. I'll call you if I need something."

Within two hours, he had been focused on reviewing his presentation until he heard a knock and Lillian coming to remind him of his meeting. He stood up and gave Lillian all the documents needed for the presentation before they both went down to the fourteenth floor where the conference room was located. Lillian opened the door for him and he put on his business expression to greet the people inside. He approached Mr. Arthur Alvarez and shook hands with him.

He is currently the biggest client of ENIGMA since the project he had entrusted to them was the construction of a private vacation house slash resort. At first, he was a bit hesitant to take the project since it was located in a fairly secluded place which was far away from the city but when he saw the scenery in the place during their first on site survey his doubt was gone and he took the project. It was a very beautiful place with a wide area of vegetation surrounded by forests and there was even a water falls inside the property that Mr. Alvarez had bought. With enough advertisement and promotion, the place will surely attract many visitors and tourists. All in all, Xander considered it an exciting venture.

After the exchange of greeting, he started the presentation and showed them the initial structure and design of the building. He explained to them the details of each facility that would be included in the construction up to the cost of materials that will be used on the project. Even the plan for the exterior of the resort was also presented to them and the additional outdoor facility that can be possibly included. He also discussed some future developments that they can further make for the project and other things they can add, depending on how much the client wanted to spend in making this completing this project. Since the site was a blank canvass, there were many ways to further improve the resort if the client would like to develop the site further.

He heard a round of applause after he was done with his presentation and gave the people inside a simple smile. Mr. Alvarez stood up from his seat and congratulated him. He was very pleased with what he heard and saw from the presentation, "I really like your presentation and the insights you shared with us. Indeed, with this plan we can make my mountain resort be a tourist spot that no one should miss. I'm glad that I entrusted this project to you. I hope that you can deliver what you have presented to me today."

"Yes, my team and I will do our utmost to deliver what we have presented to you today." Xander was ecstatic that Mr. Alvarez liked his presentation. His team had spent so many days and nights just to complete this presentation. He was very proud with the work they had done.

"I heard that you will be visiting the site tomorrow," he added after he remembered that the scheduled trip was tomorrow.

"Yes, I'll be traveling with my sister and Architect Carl. It is both for work and vacation." He gave the man a smile.

"That's good. That place is a true beauty and I'm sure that the three of you will enjoy the scenery. I'll inform my people there of your arrival tomorrow so that they can prepare to meet you." Mr. Alvarez nodded then patted him on the shoulder. "Enjoy your vacation then and keep me updated then. Alright, I'll be leaving everything in your capable hands." He personally escorted Mr. Alvarez to the lobby. After he left, he went up to our planning department to congratulate everyone who were involved with the project for the work they did.

Once he got there, all the departments that were involved had been actually waiting for him and were looking at him with expectation. He chuckled and faced them with a proud smile, "Mr. Alvarez had praised the presentation and the design you have made. Now, we can proceed with the project. As a reward, I will be treating you all to dinner." He announced which made the whole room excited. He then left them to continue with their celebration to attend to his unfinished work.

The day had slowly come to an end when Lillia came and informed him that everyone was already waiting at the lobby. He fixed all the files in his desk and put the rest in his bag before he went down to where the others were. He saw them all talking excitedly and was deciding on which restaurant they would go.

"I'll leave the company card to Lillian. You all go and enjoy the night." He waved the card and gave it to Lillian. The employees cheered and one by one left the company.

"Aren't you coming with us sir?" one of the employees came up to Xander and asked after he noticed that he was not moving and were only watching them.

He shook his head and smiled, "No, my sister is waiting for me at home so I need to be home early today. Just go and enjoy your night, don't mind me."

One of the department heads came and took the man away while apologizing to him. They left while he went and bought a cake for Xerra. This is how his usual days would end. No major worries or complications, everything was peaceful.

Xerra did not waste time and immediately pulled out her favorite travelling bag then filled it out with all of the necessities she would need on their three-day vacation. Xander watched as her sister's excitement filled the room with a smile on her face.

"Aren't you going to pack your things too brother?" she asked after she saw that her brother was still leaning on her door.

He pushed himself and went to sit on her bed instead, "I'm here to see if you are packing the things that you should pack for the trip."

"Of course, I am," she placed several books on her bag and did not even forget to add some art supplies and a canvass in it. She was even humming while placing all the thing she like on the bag.

"You should also pack some clothes," Xander stood up and walked towards the walk-in closet inside her room. Xerra followed to pick out clothes then the two of them folded all the clothes to be placed inside a suit case.

Xander also packed everything he would need for the trip after helping his sister settle all of her things. "I should try relaxing tomorrow too after we inspect the site."

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