Chapter 17

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Darkness surrounds me. I flail around in the cold airless substance. I desperately thrust upwards with my arms, trying to reach the surface. I start to panic, my lungs are burning. I am screaming at myself. The current pushes me into a hard, rocky object. I grasp it. I feel the skin on my hand tear. Warmth surrounds my body as the cut sends blood out to sea. I scream. I'm losing consciousness. I need air. My delirious self shifts the raging thoughts to Claire and Meghan. As adrenaline pulses through my veins, I use the jagged rock to pull myself up and out of the treacherous waves.

I break the surface, chest panging. My lungs respond with sharp, quick breaths. I tragically search the water. My heart leaps as I see two bodies struggling against the element. Suddenly, Mac pulls up on the rock beside me. 

"I get one, you get one!" he shouts at me. He cups his hands and falls back into the water. He uses his hands to shift water to the side, keeping him afloat. I follow his example immediately.

As he reaches one of my sisters, he pushes her in front of himself, kicking through the waves. Soon, I reach the other. It's Meghan. The adrenaline helps as I push her through the dark waters.

Once again, I grasp the brittle rock. Mac pulls Meghan up. He pounds on her chest with his fist. She coughs up water. He looks at me.

"Do you think breathing into her would help?" he hurriedly asks.

"Anything will help!" I shout over the waves.

He tilts her head, breathing into Meghan.

Claire lays on the other side of the rock. I stumble around Mac, who had successfully got Meghan breathing. I reach Claire. I place my head on her chest, searching for a heart beat. Her heart is beating in a healthy rhythm. She's breathing too.

"Claire, wake up." I say.

Her eyes flutter open. "Hello Avery." she says with a smile. "Look! We're alive!" she jokes. "Your plan didn't kill us!"

I frown, "Whatever."

"It did strand us though." Mac says. "It's going to get dark soon."

I look up at the hazy sky, searching for the blob we call the sun. I study it. It is already setting.

"We'll find a way." I say slowly.

"Look!" Meghan shouts.

"Where? What?" Claire replies anxiously.

"Do you see that? That is a light house! I learned about them in history!" she points at a tall object on a small island.

"It isn't that far." Mac responds, "300 meters at most." he calculates.

"We have a major problem though." I say. "We can barely swim."

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