Chapter 15

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Reaching the hangar doesn't take long. I walk alongside my companions, my family, and myself. I'm not alone, and that is the most important factor.

I walk through the ash and dirt. I look up and examine the hangar. It's a lot bigger than I thought it be. From far away, it looked large, but not this large.

The hangar is gigantic. I notice that I have separated myself from the others, to discover the place on my own. They haven't stopped me, I bet we're resting here.

I walk into the loading area. Mac said that the hangar hadn't been used in over a century. I can see that by looking at the aging building. I look to my right, something catches my eye. Hesitantly, I find that I am walking towards it. As I get closer, I notice that it is a drone. Aviation has always interested me.

I dust off the window shield, and climb inside. I wonder if it still works.

"It still works," Mac says.

He startles me. He completely answered my mind.

"You startled me." I say, smirking.

"Sorry, Emery sent me to look for you. He said to tell you thank you." he replies.

He must be thanking me for helping him, so long ago in the alley.

"Oh, well I'll have to catch up with him." I say.

"So, you like planes." he tells me, assuming.

"Yes, actually I'm fascinated by aviation." I reply. I'm shocked at how suddenly the interest sprung up. Sure, I had thought about aviation, but I had never thought how interested I really was. It's funny how that happens, and the least convenient of moments.

"Bingo, I think I can guess a lot about you Avery." he says. I'm dumbfounded at what the word "bingo" means, but I guess it's just an expression.

"Bingo?" I question.

"Bingo, is an expression used when someone is right on topic." he clarifies. "You wouldn't understand, you're not exactly human."

I stare at him.

"What? I'm just kidding! Stop taking everything so serious." he says.

"Well, according to "Mac's Philosophy" these are serious times." I say sarcastically.

"Mac's Philosophy?" he asks.

"Mac's Philosophy, is a philosophical intake on Mac's thoughts." I clarify. "You wouldn't understand, you're human." I mimic.

He laughs, "Great, so now I'm the new Aristotle."

"The Aristotle of the ye-" Mac cuts me off.

"Aristotle of the year 2150." our smiles fade.

Nobody knows what the past was like. Those records are long gone, or hidden within the society.

"What do you think happened?" I whisper.

He looks down, "I really don't have an idea, no one does."

I nod. Hopefully, we'll be given a hint that guides us to find what happened. For now though, I'm just another piece of the game, another player that needs to play to get out.

Mac climbs into the plane. "What would your perfect world look like?" he asks.

I think hard, and my face shows it.

"Well, how am I to describe it if I don't know what it can be?" I ask.

He nods, considering my answer, "Good point, but what if you used your imagination?"

"I don't know, but there is something I can answer." I say.

"And, what is that?"

"How it would feel." I say, as I lay my head back on the cushion.

"Okay, so how would it feel?" he asks.

"Like I could do anything, be anything, it would feel like my shoulders were air." I whisper, imagining the sensations.

"Utopias don't exist," he begins, "and they never will."

I know this is true, but I can't accept it. If I accept it, there won't be any hope left. So, I push it from my mind, and I don't.

"Nice talk Mac," I say. I'm not in the mood to talk anymore. "I'm going to head to the loft to sleep. You should too, it's late and you look worn out."

He opens his mouth to say something, but quickly closes it. Finally, as I turn around he speaks.

"Goodnight Avery."

"Goodnight? What is goodnight?" I ask.

"Let's just say that I bid you goodnight, and leave it at that."

I smile, still unsure what he's talking about, but I am positive that it is a farewell. I climb into the loft and snuggle in beside my sisters.

My hope shall not shatter, I am not weak, I will play, and I will win.

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