Answers Never Wanted

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Reanna slowly opens her eyes to see Noah and Roza kneeling beside her. Morning sky shines above them, bringtening their worried faces. She felt tears falling down her face.

"Where are you hurt?" Roza's eyes dart over every part of Reanna's body. "I heard you screaming." Her voice was filled with concern.

Reanna only looked at Noah, who was avoiding her gaze. 

He looks familiar...

"Were you a Lost Soul?" Reanna quietly asked.

"I was one, a very long time ago," He whispered. 


"How long has it been?" Reanna muttered as she pushs herself up.

Roza glances at him, then back down at Reanna. Her lips slightly parted as her face fell, her wings drooped down. Noah let out a heartbreaking sigh.

"You don't want me to answer that..." Glancing up he saw the tears blooming in her eyes. 

"Please, tell me," She mouths, barely whispering it.

I need to know, I have to know..

"2 thousand and thirty-two years,"  He declares.

It felt as if her heart broke when she heard his words, and the guilt weighing on her shoulders finally fell.

Liam died...Dena is in Hell..

"That's 4 thousand and fifty-two years.." She mutters, h

Reanna closes her eyes and lets her tears fall, she just lays there.

He's dead. I never had a chance to save him...

Reanna felt a hand on her shoulder, but it didn't do anything to fill the hole in her heart. 

I couldn't even save Dena...

She grabs her hair and curls her hands into fists, belting out a heart-wrenching scream that echoes in the canyon. She screamed until she had nothing left, scrapping her nails against her arm. Her blood felt hot trailing down her arm but it never stopped her. Reanna didn't know how long she had been screaming for but she didn't care about it.


When she finally opens her eyes, she saw Roza sitting beside her. She had tears screaming down her face, as she peered into the forest of Lost Souls.  Noah was no where to be seen but she didn't care.

"I'm sorry but I have to tell you why the monster lead you out of the forest," Roza's voice is quiet, she stares at the monsters standing outside of the forest on the cliff across from them.

"How do you know about that? I never told you about it" Reanna questions as she watches a swarm of birds play in the sky. "Anzel told you, so tell me why did the creature help us?"

The birds in the sky caw at one another as they play what looked like tag.

"I believe the monster helped you because he was your brother.." Reanna snaps her head towards Roza, pushing herself up. Roza continues, avoiding her curious eyes. "Lost souls are souls that hold onto their mortal life for too long, each soul has a different reason for holding on but they all lose their mind after a few years. They kill any soul that passes them, just so they can remember moments in their life.."  Roza sighs and lowers her head.

"This can't be, it's not. You're lying. Liams happy in Heaven or Purgatory.." Reanna mourned, shaking her head.

"You can lie to yourself all you want but it won't change the truth and you know it....  Liam died on Ferburary 17th, 2073." Reanna puts her hands on her mouth as tears fall down her face.  "He was assigned to go to Heaven but he never arrived. He-"

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