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 As soon as the alarm clock rang, Zhexi straightened up, washed up, ate breakfast, and drove to Su Mochen's community.

As soon as Su Mochen bent down to get into the car, Zhexi turned around and showed her a row of neat little white teeth...

Su Mochen's eyelashes trembled slightly, then he turned his gaze and sat up straight...

"..." Zhexi turned around, frowned slightly, and tapped the steering wheel with her fingers...

"Aren't you going?" Su Mochen looked ahead.

Zhexi tilted her head, with an awkward look: "Do I look good in this outfit today?"

Su Mochen turned his face, opened his lips and asked, "Why are you dressed so formally?"

"You are also wearing formal clothes." Zhexi The eyes looked at her deeply, the black suit made her body more aura of restraint, and the dark pupils were as deep as the deep pool, making that handsome and cold face even more charming... "I'm going to work

. "Su Mochen said lightly.

"Me too," Zhexi almost slipped her tongue, stopped in time and turned a corner, "Being your bodyguard is also a job..."

Su Mochen glanced at her and said nothing.

After sending it to the place, Zhexi took off his seat belt and followed.

She leaned in front of Su Mochen, lowered her head and asked in a low voice, "Do you think it looks good?" The

warm breath sprayed on Su Mochen's ear, itching slightly, Su Mochen's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he turned sideways slightly , looked at her with pursed lips, and said, "I've already discussed this issue last night."

Seeing her leaving back, Zhexi bent her lips and smiled.

Zhexi turned around and went to Wanshi again.

"Hello, I'm looking for Wan Lizhe." Zhexi turned sideways slightly, lightly supporting the edge of the stage with his right hand.

There was a flash of surprise in the eyes of the front desk staff, but her professionalism made her calm down quickly: "Hello, do you have an appointment? Manager Wan usually doesn't come to the company at this time..."

Just as Zhexi was about to open her mouth to speak, there was a vibrating voice from her pocket. Zhexi interrupted her apologetically, and went to the side to answer the phone.

"Have you arrived at the company?" Wan Lizhe's voice was hangover-lazy, "If you arrive, let Xiaoye at the front desk bring you over to find me, I'm already at the company..." Zhexi answered and hung up the

phone , walked slowly to the front desk: "Hello, your manager Wan is already in the company, he asked you to take me to him now."

Xiaoye's expression was slightly surprised, and then she smiled again: "Okay, you and I'll come."

There are many people in the elevator, all of them well-dressed, straight and upright... As

soon as Zhexi entered, the dark eyes slanted a lot, and even Xiaoye who came in with Zhexi received attention...

But the literacy is there, even if they are curious, no one asks in public...

The elevator dinged in the floating atmosphere, and everyone stepped away. Only four or five people were left. Xia Zhexi and Xiaoye...

"This is Manager Wan's office." After getting out of the elevator, Xiaoye led Zhexi to turn right and walked straight, after three doors, he arrived.

"Okay, thank you." Zhexi nodded slightly at her.

Xiaoye nodded and left.

Zhexi knocked on the door and revealed his identity.

The door opened immediately, Wan Lizhe stood there with dark circles under his eyes, Zhexi glanced at him: "Did you sleep well last night?"

After entering the door, Zhexi glanced around, the interior decoration is simple and elegant, three Sitting on symmetrical sofas, bright and large glass windows, high-quality black desks, white and soft semi-circular swivel chairs, the line of sight is tilted to the upper right, there is a slightly messy table that is incompatible with this place... It seems that last night He should be sleeping here...

"Sit whatever you want," Wan Lizhe lit a cigarette, "I'll make a call."

Zhexi nodded, and then sat on the sofa.

He sat sideways on the black desk, held a cigarette in one hand, and dialed the company's internal line with the other. After the call was connected, he said, "Let Fang Zhen come to my office now." After the answer from the other side,

Wan Zheli hung up the phone.

He turned around and sat opposite Zhexi, his posture was somewhat casual, and the white smoke from his mouth diffused in the air: "He will come later, you don't need to pay attention to him, I will deal with it, this old man is very rigid.

" Fang Zhen, who was called an old man, came five minutes later, and he looked only about forty or fifty years old...

Wan Lizhe put out his cigarette before he came, twisted it in the ashtray, adjusted his clothes a little, and laughed He waved the smoke away: "He is the same generation as my dad, and he always loves to be in front of my dad..." Before he finished speaking, he heard a knock on the door...

Wan Lizhe stopped talking just in time, got up and opened the door.

After Fang Zhen entered the door, he smelled a faint smell of tobacco, which was also mixed with the smell of dirty wine. He frowned and glanced softly, then looked away silently...

Wan Lizhe waited for him to sit down , first took a sip of the cold coffee, and then told him the basic situation of Zhexi.

Fang Zhen frowned even more after hearing this: "This is not in line with the company's personnel regulations, and I can't help her apply for employment." "

Special treatment for special circumstances..."

"Sorry, you should talk to President Wan about this in person , I don't have the authority to do this." For a newcomer with a blank resume, Fang Zhen couldn't make the salary proposal Wan Lizhe said. The annual salary starts at 600,000 yuan, and there is no cap on the research and development bonus. Nian...

Wan Lizhe raised his eyebrows, looked at him coldly for a few seconds before saying: "I see, you go back."

When he left, Wan Lizhe collapsed and sat on the sofa.

Zhexi asked in a flat tone: "The talk is broken?"

"Don't pay attention to him, short-sighted," Wan Lizhe touched the cigarette and lit it again, "From now on, your salary will not go to the company's finances, but will be directly transferred from my name."

Zhexi had no objection.

"What time will I come to the company in the future, and you will come to the company at what time, you don't have to be the same as them."

"So special?" Zhexi said in a slightly surprised tone.

Wan Lizhe smiled at her, and spit out circles of white mist: "You are special, different from them."

Zhexi smiled back helplessly.

"Let's have dinner together at noon?" Wan Lizhe turned his head to look at her, "This is your first day at the company... You have already rejected me last time..." "Yes."


Lizhe turned around, breathed out comfortably, White mist hung in the air: "Take you to see our design department." There was a hint of pride in his words, and he did have the capital of pride. He was interested in chip research and development when he was still studying abroad in his teens. After returning to China, he resisted all opinions, injected a lot of money, recruited chip research and development talents at home and abroad, and built the original standard chip design department into the company. The leading department of competitiveness...

After visiting the design department, the two went to Wan Lizhe's personal collection room, which contained all kinds of strange things. When it was lunch time, the two drove to a high-end western restaurant. Li Zhe frequently shook his head and clicked his tongue: "It's terrible, it's really terrible..."

Zhexi gave him a sidelong glance.

Wan Lizhe joked while turning the steering wheel: "Didn't you see those women looking at you?" The female staff of Wan's are quite reserved, and it's really not common to peep openly and secretly like today...

Zhexi pursed her lips and remained silent.

"Believe it or not, you will be the talk of their lunch gathering today..."

Zhexi rolled the window and looked at the blue sky, and asked in a casual tone, "What are you talking about?

" Zhe glanced at her, and asked hesitantly, "Do you like women?"

"It's a red light." Zhexi didn't answer his question.

Wan Lizhe didn't ask any more questions.

When we arrived at the place, we met another acquaintance. Su Ao sat in a conspicuous corner with a foreign man in business attire. Today, the tigress breath on her body is less, but the coldness between her eyebrows still displeases Zhexi...

"Sit over there." Zhexi pointed to a place far away from Su Ao.

Wan Lizhe looked along where her finger was, and reminded in a low voice, "It's quite out of the way."

"Aren't we here for dinner?" It's not to look at the scenery.

Wan Lizhe concluded that he usually likes to sit in an obvious place, searching around for celebrity ladies who can arouse his interest and hunt... "

Then let's go." Wan Lizhe compromised.

After the two sat down and ordered, Wan Lizhe got up and left again...

Zhexi didn't know what he was going to do until midway through the meal, Su Ao came over: she was wearing a red dress, glamorous makeup, twisted With a slender waist and high-heeled shoes, she walked over proudly...

Her eyes fell on Zhexi first, and then she looked away at Wan Lizhe after a while, and her thin lips parted slightly: "Young Master Wan, you are welcome. Let's eat together."

"Small things," Wan Lizhe pursed his lips, "Don't worry about Second Miss Su." He paid for Su Ao's table in advance.

Before Su Ao left, he glanced at Zhexi inexplicably.

After Su Ao left, Zhexi cut a steak and asked, "Are you familiar with that tigress?".

"Ti... tigress?"

"That's Su Ao."

"Oh," Wan Lizhe lowered his voice, "I don't know her very well...just something happened before."

"What happened?"

Wan Lizhe lowered his voice. Li Zhe paused for a moment, and then whispered: "My dad intends to marry the Su family, and deliberately arranged a dinner party. That's where I met her..."

"Hmm... Is that because you didn't like the tigress or the tigress didn't like you?"

Wan Lizhe was choked, and then said after a while: "We didn't like each other..."

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