'Chapter 13'

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I ran, down the road, careful to avoid the police cars and got out. I ran into a control room and shut the door behind me and climbed up the fire exit stairs up top. I searched around me and saw multiple police cars and police marching around the streets. I ducked and hid behind a seat and crawled to get  out of view. 

I managed to make it down an alleyway and I ducked behind a trash bin. I felt my throat thick and tears flooded my eyes and ran down my cheeks. I bit my lip to keep out loud sob, or scream from coming out of my mouth. I took a minute to breath and composed myself. I wiped my cheeks and eyes and tried my tears. I stook up straight, looked left and right and then continued running.

 I had to get out of here and leave Bucky but I knew it was for the best.


I lay awake in the middle of the night. I had just woken from a dream I wish I hadn't seen.

 Flashbacks of a woman with hair as blond as mine. Playing in the small colour fading playground. Running around the small play area the woman approached me. She grabbed my hand and lead me away towards a small stall in the center of the park where a small balloon stand appeared. The woman then handed me a long black string attaching to a red balloon. I looked up at it and watched as it floated in the air. Magical.

I rolled out of bed and opened the curtains letting a small patch of light inside. News about Bucky breaking out of compound that he was locked in was anything the news would talk about. I sighed and looked out, a gentle layer of frost covering the window and surrounding world. The small country of Moldova  was a good hideout place if only it was a little warmer. I collected my things into a small bag and walked out, leaving the keys behind. The door clicked locked behind me and I walked out into city and walked down the street. I walked into an old bookshop and smelled the dust from the books. I scaled the isles, scanning the old spines of the books. I heard a light cough and looked up and saw an older man in front of me. 

"Inessa, is that you?" I felt myself shrink. 

"Inessa?" I question. The man shook his head. 

"No no, it cannot be you. You moved, never came back." He stepped forwards and got a closer look at me. 
"Her child?" He asked. I remained still. "Inessa, had a child, Lil, Lil, Lilly something," He paused looking up at me. "Is that you?" He was close enough that I could see eye to eye with him. 
"You look just like her. You have her eyes."

"My, mother." He nodded his head. 
"Come," He beckoned and walked towards his desk. I cautiously followed him. He pulled out a small book and opened it. He laid it onto the counter and I looked down at it. It was a photo of a young girl in front of a Christmas tree. The girl had blond hair and green eyes and had a close resemblance of me. I traced the girls face with my finger. 

"That would be you." I looked to the other. In the photo the girl was holding a brightly coloured box and I was in the midst of unwrapping it. 

"How did you get this?" I questioned, looking up at the man. 

"Your mother, gave it to me before she never came back. She said to keep to safe until someone like you returned for it." I nodded. 

"She also said to give you this." He handed me a small slip of paper that had a simple message. 

Найди меня:

Лычаковское кладбище (Lychakiv cemetery)

I looked up, tucking the note into my pocket and smiled. 
"Thank-you, sir. Do you mind keeping it safe for me a little more?" I questioned. He smiled and nodded his head. 

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