'Chapter 5'

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I stood in the training room, the lights around me were dark but a red light illuminated the room. I practiced the drills that had been taught into my head, over and over. Stand small, arms up and gun in hand, slowly rotating 90 degrees to face to the left then quickly continued turning to my left and onto my knees.

Once on the floor I would keep my gun held high, but I would twist my legs beneath me making me roll to the side and then i would quickly stand to my feet again. I would point my gun at the target in front of me and aim for the middle. I would pull the trigger hitting the target perfectly in the middle. I reloaded my gun and stood straight again, repeating the drill over and over in some sort of trance.

I then felt eyes on me. I turned and then saw two straight lines of men, carrying large guns, escorting something. I focused my eyes of the group and saw in the middle a large man, shackled. I looked at his up and down, he had a large black muzzle covering his mouth and his arms were strapped down. I then saw his eyes, icy blue and filled with terror. His eyes searching, taking in his surroundings. Although the rest of his body actions seemed calm, even though he was being escorted by multiple men, his eyes seemed frantic.

The men had passed the window. But even so my eyes looked in front of me. I stood still processing. 'What was that man doing and why was he being too heavily guarded?' I questioned to myself. I stood straighter and looked out the glass walls. I saw a group of girls 2 years younger than me crowding around someone. I walked out of there and saw one girl pinned against the wall with other girls surrounding her.

"Hey, Let go of her!" I shouter walking over to them, my boots clicking against the floors making their heads perk up and see me. I walked towards them and watched as the crowd dropped the girls and hurried out the opposite way leaving the blonde. She fell down the wall to her knees. I saw a single drop of blood fall to the floor from her face. I knelt down in front of her.

"Are you okay?" I whispered. She looked up at me with her green eyes, she had a blood nose and a split lip. She nodded slightly.
"Yes," She whispered back.
"Do you have class now?" I whispered. If a widow were late to class there would be punishment, as I would know. She shook her head. I nodded and then stood beckoning her to follow. I grabbed her hand and walked her to the infirmary. I sat her down on the bed quietly and grabbing some medical supplies. I got out a tissue and silently started cleaning the girls face from blood.

"What is your name young one?" I asked her.
"Yelena," She answered. I nodded my head.
"Yelena, pretty." I smiled. I finished cleaning her face up and then helped her off the table.

"Thank-you miss," She smiled.
"Lillianna," I nodded my head. She smiled and then walked out of the room. I watched as she walked out the door and continued down the hall. I cleaned up the medical supplies swiftly, placing everything away back where it belonged. I walked out into the hallway intending to go back to the training room when I heard my name being called over the loudspeaker.

"Lillianna Melora please report to Dreykov' s office. Immediately." I sighed. 'Maybe they would have a mission for me.' I thought to myself. I walked to the elevator and stood in front of the guard.

"Lillianna," I stated my name, he nodded his head, and I followed him inside. We stood in silence as the elevator ascended. The doors opened and the guard walked me to the doors to Dreykov' s office. I opened them to see him sitting at his chair. I stood by the door as I felt them shut behind me. He looked up from his work and saw me. He gestured to the seat in front of his desk, and I walked my way over. I took a seat sitting with my back up straight looking at him.

"Lillianna, you are one of my best widows," He started, I nodded and then saw as his office doors opened once more. I heard feet walk near me and then stopped behind me.

"I want to use you for an experiment. We have a HYDRA agent here and I think their idea has potential. That is why I am using you for it." He nodded his head slowly and I felt something be injected into my neck. My breath shuttered as I felt the liquid flow down my neck and further into my body. Firm hands grasped my shoulders, and I was dragged from my seat.

"Take her to the infirmary." Dreykov ordered. My feet dragged along the floor as they carried me to the infirmary. They placed me onto a bed and strapped my hands and legs down. I felt the serum course threw my veins, leaving my body burning. I felt my veins and muscles on fire and I groaned. No matter who hard I tried to not feel the pain it was it too much.


Over the next two days I was in agony. My body was on fire, and I was alone in a room. I awoke, blurry vision. My body wasn't hurting anymore. I sighed and tried to sit up but because of my straps I couldn't I moved my head around trying to look around the room. I then realized the straps were loose. I managed to slip my left hand out of the strap. I then immediately started undoing my right hand. I pulled free and then sat upright. I quickly unbuckled my feet and I quietly stood to my feet and walked out to the door I peered out the hole and saw two guards at my door. I then saw one of them turn around and we made eye contact. He immediately reacted by unlocking the door and opening it wide. I jumped backwards and the guards looked at me astonished.

"She should still be highly affected by the serum!" He gasped.
"Well, I guess these Russian girls Dreykov has been built different." The other said.
"Sh, sh, sh." A new man stepped out, he was tall and had black hair.

"Come here," He ordered at me. I walked over to him confidently. I stood in front of him.
"Follow me," I followed behind him, I watched as people all around watched me. He lead me to a small office and sat me in a chair. In front of me was a desk and a tall man.

"Lilliana Melora," He started looking at me sternly. I nodded my head. "You have been selected by your leader and I have read your file." He placed a folder onto his desk, The main title Russian

Проект 'Зимняя вдова' (Project 'Winter Widow')

Лилианна Мелора (Lillianna Melora)

Возраст:  тринадцать (Age: Thirteen)

"You are quite the strong lady. Best in your training, first to perform in ballet. Missions all successful. You are going to be the best assassin the world has ever seen; you are going to make the world bow down onto their knees. Only not yet, are you needed, but soon my child, soon." He called, words thick and sickening.


My eyes droopy and my body limp, strong hands pull me down an unwelcoming hallway. I can do nothing but accept them as they drag me further and further down. They lead me into a large room filled with chambers and fog. They dragged me to the second chamber and forced me inside to the steel metal chair which was ice cold. 

"She will be te youngest ever tested on." Someone's voice echoed. 

"It's only a few short years and I am sure she will be incredibly useful." Another came. The door shut in front of me and I gasped as the air around me froze, freezing the chair I was on, the glass in front of me and my eyelids shut. 

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