Chapter 105

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Chapter 105 NG

    The atmosphere on the set was very embarrassing. Fu Sheng just made a mistake that even a newcomer would never make. She woke up the moment she spoke, but the set was dead silent.

    Everyone was stunned, but their eyes were not on Fu Sheng.

    Fu Sheng followed their gaze to the door, crossing the director's camera and the equipment tracks laid on the scene, and standing outside the crowd at Xiang Wan.

    She turned against the light and couldn't see the joy and sorrow on Xiang Wan's face, but there was one thing Fu Sheng was sure, Xiang Wan must have heard it.

    If you hear it, just hear it, so what can they do, they have broken up.

    Fu Sheng thought so ruthlessly.

    Fu Sheng clenched his fists, took a deep breath, forced himself to turn his head, and apologized generously to his colleagues.

    The director looked at the video on the monitor. Strictly speaking, Fu Sheng's ng appeared at the end of the whole scene and had little impact. As long as the last scene was shot, the scene could still be used.

    Fu Sheng sat back on the sofa of the tobacco factory again. Yan Xueqing carried her cosmetic bag and came up to touch up her makeup. Pu Yiling gave Fu Sheng a worried look. She hesitated, but before she could figure out what to say, the director announced again action.

    After the boot, there was no Fu Sheng on the set, only Zeng Manwen.

    Xiang Wan stood at the entrance and watched Fu Sheng finish the scene without saying a word. Her face was covered with heavy makeup, and she was as flawless as a dummy. All the thrilling fights last night disappeared in layers. under the powder.

    "Xiang Wan is here," the director stood up, walked in front of Xiang Wan, lowered his voice and asked her, "Are you still filming?" The

    director asked if she was still filming today, but would she still be filming in the future?

    Xiang Wan looked up at Fu Sheng, but Fu Sheng was indifferent.

    "Of course, why not?" Xiang Wan smiled.

    Xiang Wan came back, and the previously built scene was useful again. A group of people tossed and tossed, and Fu Sheng changed into the shape of the latent period of the empire and came to the major general's mansion.

    It was a leisurely time. Zeng Manwen and Li Shuyan relied on Major General Li's inheritance to eat and wait to die. Zeng Manwen helped Li Shuyan to reject the admission notice from the Academy of Arts and dismissed the part-time worker hired by Major General Li. Li Shuyan sat by the fireplace and studied the old magazine full of passwords that Zeng Manwen brought. Zeng Manwen was simmering a pot of soup on the fire.

    Suddenly, inspiration came unexpectedly, and Li Shuyan's eyes were bright. She excitedly said to Zeng Manwen, "I think I found a way!" The

    soft sunlight reminded her of her mother, and the notes she flipped over and over again suddenly broke in Li Shuyan's mind suddenly jumped out. The derivation that Li Shuyan couldn't understand in the past suddenly became as natural as drinking water and eating.

    She spread out a large piece of white paper, and wrote complicated derivation methods on it. She also drew pictures to help Zeng Manwen understand. Her hands were fast, and her mouth was not idle. Jump out of the chest. She named the idea "Streaming Compound Shift Number Theory".

    She danced and told Zeng Manwen, hoping to hear some compliments or corrections from Zeng Manwen's mouth.

    Zeng Manwen just stared at the paper full of words and said, "I don't understand this, dear."

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