Chapter 43

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Chapter 43 The Princess and the Actor

    Pregnancy "As soon as it was interrupted, the charming atmosphere between the two was no longer. After all, it was all in one go, and then it faded, and it was exhausted.

    When Fu Sheng came back, she said a few nonsense words and ran away.

    In the blink of an eye, it was the next day that Xiang Wan and Fu Sheng had two big plays.

    Immediately following the content of yesterday's filming, the eldest princess played by Xiang Wan is dressed in a bright red wedding dress, and the fire in the capital is reflected in the bottom of her eyes. She walks out of the door in the panic of a room of servants.


    The sound of soldiers, exclamations, cries, and fires blazed into the sky, and the capital experienced disaster on this day.

    Dynasties rise and fall, and it is always the people who suffer.

    The eldest princess is undoubtedly heartbroken, but at the same time she also understands that this is something she must face, and there is no bloodless rebellion.

    Since she chose to take this path, it means that she has put everyone's life on the gambling table. In this riot, the gains and losses of each family are no longer valued, but as long as the eldest princess can be in all parties When the most critical gap in the game is stuck, she can save most people in time.

    The eldest princess lifted the dowry tied with red silk in the courtyard. There was no pearl, jade, gold and silver in the box, only a long sword with a sharp edge.

    The sword was narrow and thin, flashing an ominous cold light. The eldest princess raised her hand to hold a neat sword flower, and the cold front flashed across her face.

    Holding the sword and stepping on the horse, the eldest princess lowered her body and rode out, bucking the flow of people fleeing and rushing towards the Wanren Palace wall.

    At the same time, Fang Qiaohe was also running.

    After the emperor beat her half to death with his whip that day, everyone knew that the former favorite concubine Fang Shi finally became Shi Nao, her bedroom was like a cold palace, and no one dared to touch the emperor's bad head.

    The palace people scattered, and went to climb the high branch, and even the palace maid the emperor placed beside her disappeared, as if Fang Qiaohe had died.

    Although she wasn't dead, she was almost there. Fang Qiaohe lay on the floor with her eyes open until dawn.

    After the first night, Fang Qiaohe dragged her bruised body and barely got up. She ate all the snacks in the palace and drank a belly of overnight herbal tea. No one took care of her. She wanted to regain her strength as soon as possible.

    Fang Qiaohe didn't blame the palace servants who worshiped the high and stepped down. On the contrary, she was grateful to them. If they hadn't all gone, she wouldn't have been able to sneak out of the palace while still moving.

    She knew, she knew what was going to happen, something was vital, and she had to get it before everyone else.

    Otherwise, the princess will be finished.

    Fang Qiaohe was galloping, people in the palace were panicking today, the long palace road was quiet, not a single living person could be seen, and the emperor hid.

    It turned out that he would also be afraid?

    Fang Qiaohe sneered, the court hall was in front of him.

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