Chapter 53

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Ayden's P.O.V.

Two weeks. Two fucking weeks and we still haven't found her. I was going crazy in my office. I haven't been myself since she left. We don't know how far she has gone.
"Trail stops here," Is what I've been hearing from Lance lately. I threw my cup across the room and ran my hand through my hair.
"She's not dead. We would know if she was," Milo said. He hasn't been good company throughout this time.
"Suck it up. You're stuck with me,"
"Come back to the packhouse and meet me in the office," I told Lance.
I got up and slowly made my way down to the other office. Everyone I passed on the way was staring at me or moving out of the way. When I announced to the pack that they wouldn't be able to meet the Luna, they panicked. They were worried as to why I wasn't letting them. I told them she wasn't feeling good, but lately, more have been asking for her. I don't know what to tell them. They were introduced to their luna and then couldn't have a bonding moment with her. When I made it to the office Caden and Skylar were already there. Skylar was looking down but I could hear her sniffing. She has been none stop crying since Jade left. Especially with the girls continuing to ask where Jade was.
"I didn't want her here. I don't want her to listen to anything,"
"I couldn't leave her alone. Plus she wanted to be here. She wants to be kept up to date about what's going on,"
I sat on my desk and Lance walked in.
"These past couple of days we have seen multiple trails, but at some point, they all stop." I began.
"So you're saying she is covering them up?" Lance asked.
"Or someone else is," Caden finished.
"I can't think of anyone else who would be with her. Roy is dead so is Jason and Christina is with us," I took a sip of the whiskey in my hand and sighed. "I'm getting impatient. Milo keeps telling me that she isn't dead if not we would know. If she isn't dead then where is she!" I slammed the cup down and looked up. Caden stepped in front of Skylar.
"Everyone who has been on patrol says they haven't seen anything. I gave them the description of Sara. I don't know how she would look like right now if her physical appearance has changed,"
"Ayden I'm sorry to bring it up again but the people are asking to see the Luna. They want to bring her gifts and check on her," Caden said.
"We are going to have to tell them,"
"Whoa no. If we tell them their Luna has gone rogue they might not accept her when she comes back," Lance told me.
"What if we say she was taken? On the day of the fight, everyone was in the packhouse. No one will be able to say anything different," I suggested and they nodded.
"Technically it's true. Roy made her take the substance that made the rogue side take her," Caden commented.
"Lance call the meeting. Have the whole pack meet in front of the pack house in one hour," I got up and left the room.
I spent the next hour figuring out what I was going to say to them without making the freakout. The last thing I need right now is to have everyone lash out at me.
"Ayden they are ready,"
I made my way downstairs. I can hear everyone asking questions. Some spotted me and quickly got quiet. By the time I got to the front of the crowd, there was silence. I cleared my throat and looked at everyone.
"Thank you for being here on such short notice. I know a lot of you have been asking questions about Luna Jade." I looked at the kids in front of the crowd holding flowers and other gifts. "I am here to officially let you know that she is not here," The crowd immediately began to whisper between each other. "Luna Jade was with us the day the fight broke out. She wanted to help us. Unfortunately, she was taken away," I said louder so they can hear me.
"You're telling us Luna Jade has been missing for two weeks and you haven't said anything?!" Someone yelled. Part of the crowd agreed and began to get loud.
"Quiet!" I yelled and they all bowed their heads. "I apologize for not letting you know earlier. We have been looking for her nonstop. Although some of you might think it is too late I still wanted to let you all know what's going on."
"As soon as we find her we will let you all know," They all looked up at me. Some looked sad and others were scared.
"That is all for today. You are welcome to stay in the pack house for lunch."
They slowly went into the packhouse but some hesitated and wanted to stay back.
"Alpha Ayden, we located a small female wolf body on the east side," I quickly ran to where they were calling from and shifted. When I went up to the group that was circling something on the floor my heart stopped. They moved away and I went to examine the body. It was around Jade's size. It was dark and dirty. It had no sign of purple around it or on the eyes. I sniffed around and felt a sigh of relief.
"This isn't her. Dispose of the body properly and let me know if you find something else,"
"Yes Alpha," They said in unison. I made my way back to the packhouse.
"You know she did have a hint of her smell," Milo said.
"Not enough for it to be her. She probably fought it off."
"How the hell are we supposed to know that?"
"I just know okay? She is still out there,"
I got in the packhouse through the back door and straight to my private office.
"If she is out there she must be so scared," Milo said.
"Don't you think I know that?!"
"If you're so sure you know that, then why haven't you done anything about it?!"
He was fighting with me and I shifted out of wolf form.
"No! I will not let you take control! You're unstable and who knows what you would do,"
"More than you! This has gone far enough,"
He was trying to push through but I knew I couldn't let him.
"Milo enough!"
I lost my balance knocking over some items. He was giving me a big headache.
"It's my turn," He pushed through successfully. He didn't shift. He stood up and headed towards the drawer by the window. He opened the first drawer and took out a small box to examine it. Jade's necklace shined with the moonlight that came in through the window.
"Time to show what a real Alpha looks like,"

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