Chapter 10

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Jade's Pov

"He doesn't want us working in the kitchen, he buys us a lot of clothes, he treats us nicely and gives us two rooms. What are his intentions?" I questioned out loud. I kept pacing back and forth as Skylar started putting away her clothes.
"Maybe he is genuinely nice." She shrugged.
"But then there should be strings attached right? I don't want us to let our guard down. Alpha Roy was very nice to me as well when I first arrived. A couple of days later I was being used as a punching bag in his office." I sighed and started putting away my clothes.
"Jade, are you forgetting the fact that he is your mate?" She questioned.
"That doesn't mean he has to accept me. He still has a chance to reject me."
"I didn't know that was possible"
"Yes, Sara said it can be a very painful process"
"Who is Sara?"
"Oh! Sara is my wolf!"
"You already got the chance to be able to transform? How does it work?" She got all excited.
"Remember the headaches I kept getting a couple of days ago? That was leading up to me getting her."
"How do you know her name? Did you see her?"
"Yes I saw her in a dream. She is a beautiful, big gray wolf with a hint of purple. Ever since I got her my senses have heightened. She can see and hear everything through me, but only I can hear her unless I transform into my wolf form."
"That's amazing. Was it painful?"
"So far only the headaches. I don't know if the actual transformation process is painful" I laughed nervously.
"How does it feel to have a mate?" I smiled and looked at her.
"Every time I am with him it makes me crazy. It's as if he has this power over me. My knees get weak when he looks at me, and his smell is amazing" I said.
"Maybe we should take a shower before heading down to dinner," Skylar laughed.
We both walked over to the restroom and stared in awe. It had a tall mirror with a marble sink in front of it. On the other side, there was a walk-in shower with glass doors and a toilet next to it. Then it had another door that connected the restroom and closet together.
"This is the size of our old room!" Skylar squealed.
"You can go ahead and take a shower first. I'll wait for you" I smiled at her and her eyes lit up.
I went to the room and laid down on the bed. I was falling asleep when I heard the door open. My head perked up and she came out in a towel.
"Do you think you can help me turn on the shower?" I laughed and stood up. I headed over and looked at the shower pad.
"There is no handle on this?" I questioned.
"When you tap on it it turns on but I was afraid to continue pressing" She laughed nervously.
I pressed on it and it did a noise as it turned on. I swiped and pressed on it a few times and the water started flowing. I hissed when it came in contact with my skin.
"Ouch! I have never felt water as hot as this in the shower!" I pulled my hand away and she looked at me.
"We are lucky it turned on" She laughed
"I think I can control the water on this," I said as I went back in to tap on it. The water temperature cooled down a little and I smiled at Skylar.
"It's ready for you," I said and began to walk away.
"Jade? Can you stay here? I am scared to be naked alone again please." She asked and I nodded. I sat on the toilet seat and she turned around to step into the shower.
"That's never going to happen to you ever again" I reassured her and she stayed quiet.
"I can still feel his hands on me," She said and I frowned. "I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't walked in. You took a really hard beating that day"
"I had to stop him. It was illegal and wrong" I said as the memories came flooding back to me.
"You could've died." She argued.
"Skylar, I walked in on him forcing himself on top of you. I had to stop him." She stayed quiet for a little and then she spoke up.
"Did he do anything to you?" She asked and I sighed.

~Flashback to a year ago~

I groaned as I made my way back to the room. Skylar had left early since she was feeling sick so I took over her part of the work. As I was getting closer to the room I heard noises coming out of it. I opened the door and gasped at the sight in front of me. Skylar was struggling under a muscular body trying to get free. There was a towel under them and her hair was still damp so she had just gotten out of the shower.
"Stay still you little bitch!" The man growled as she squirmed under him. He had a hand over her mouth and she had tears streaming down her face.
"Get off of her!" I ran and with full force tried to push him off of her. It didn't move him at all and his head snapped over to me. He picked up the hand he had on her breasts and slapped me on the cheek.
"Move away you'll get your turn right now!" He continued to touch her as she tried to move away from his hand.
"Leave her alone! You're hurting her! and she is underage it's illegal and wrong!" I yelled as I threw punches at him.
"Desperate huh? Fine" He let go of Skylar and she huddled into a ball on the floor. He headed over to me and ripped my shirt off. He pinned me against the wall and slipped his hand under my bra. He kissed me all over my chest and he put his hand over my mouth. The door slammed open and he was yanked away from in front of me. I looked over to see Beta Alfred standing over his body.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" He growled and the guy stood up.
"I'm having my fun. Wanna join?" He smirked and Beta punched him.
"Don't you know these girls are underage?! You broke one of the most important laws" He yelled and the guy looked up confused.
"They don't look underage. I'm sorry Bet Alfred" He said and got on his knees.
"Sorry isn't going to cut it. I'm taking you to Alpha Roy." He grabbed his arm and yanked him up.
"Don't leave this room" He turned back to look at us and then stepped out of the room shutting the door behind him. I looked over at Skylar who was still laying on the ground silently crying.
"Skylar It's okay he is gone," I said. I wrapped the towel around her and hugged her tightly.
"Dear Evangeline, please repair what has been hurt, let my power go and fill the wound with glow, bring back before its lost, before it's gone" I sang as I stroked her hair. After a while, she calmed down and looked up at me.
"He touched me everywhere" She cried and I shushed her.
"You don't have to tell me. Just calm down" I said and she nodded. The door slammed open again and I sat up. I put my body in front of Skylar and the Beta walked over to us.
"What did he do to you?" He asked.
"He touched me," Skylar's delicate voice said from behind me.
"Is that all?" he asked and she nodded. "What about you?"
"He touched my breasts and he kissed me all over my chest," I answered and he nodded.
"Thank you, Beta Alfred," I said and bowed my head. I looked up at him and he didn't move.
"Is there any way I can get some food for Skylar? I had brought her some, but I dropped it when I came in" I said and he squinted his eyes.
"Who do you think you are?" He asked and I looked at him confused.
"You think just because that happened to you, you are getting special treatment?" He asked and his voice got lower.
"N-no, but I just-" He slapped me across the face and I fell back.
"You think I did that to save you?" He asked.
"I did it because I get to punish him and you know how fun it is to punish someone?" He smirked. I shook my head and he yanked me up.
"Let me go ahead and show you" He pulled me out of the room and shut the door behind us. He dragged me all the way to the outside of the packhouse into a separate room. We walked in and I saw the guy that was in our room strapped to a chair. He looked up at me and smirked as we walked by him. Beta Alfred threw me into the cell and chained me up to the wall.
"Let me show you the punishments you get when you try to ask the Beta for favors" He threw punches at my stomach and my body went limp.

~End of Flashback~

"He spent the whole night abusing me" I finished explaining as tears rolled down my face. Skylar had already stepped out of the shower and was standing in front of the mirror brushing her hair.
"I remember when he brought you back to the room. You were bleeding out from multiple places and had bruises for days" She sighed and I nodded.
"The good thing is that we are out of there already," I said and she sighed.
"I am working on a plan to present to Alpha Ayden if I trust him to get the rest of the girls out of there," I said and she looked up at me.
"What if you don't trust him? how are we going to get them out of there?" She asked and I groaned.
"Right now I am hoping that we are safe here. I don't want to die before I help everyone in there" I said and stood up.
"Alright my turn to shower," I said and she nodded. I turned around and stripped out of my clothes. I stepped into the shower and let the water fall on my body. We didn't have a working shower like this. It was a tiny tube that would drop water when we were lucky. I stood under the water for a few minutes letting it relax me.

Ayden's Pov

"I don't understand why they won't tell me the truth." I groaned as I ran my hand through my hair.
"They know we know the truth. We need to prove to them that Alpha Roy won't be able to come for them here." Lance said and sat down.
"Ayden you need to take her out on a date," Caden said and I glared at him.
"You make it seem like it's so easy. Rose is different" I said and he sighed.
"I have never worked this hard to get a girl. It's exhausting" He sighed and I rolled my eyes.
"We can talk to them after dinner. In my office" I said
"Don't you think the office will be too intimidating?" Lance questioned and I nodded.
"We can't do it in the dining hall because every time we are in there they start acting different," I added and he nodded.
"What about the garden?" Caden suggested.
"No" I answered.
"It's the most peaceful place" He added.
"I said no. That's my mother's and no one is allowed there" I said and looked at him.
"Well, then we can do it at the office" He shrugged and I groaned.
"Alpha Ayden you're needed at the border" one of my pack members mindlinked me.
"What's going on?" Lanced asked.
"I am being called to the border. Let's go." I said and walked out of the room. We sped off to the back and shifted into our wolf forms.
We ran towards the border pack members and found them huddled around something on the ground.
"What's going on here?" I opened mindlink with the pack members around us.
"Alpha," They all said and bowed their heads.
"We were doing our scheduled walkthrough and came across something disturbing."One of them replied. They moved away and the smell of rotten flesh hit me. I walked over to the object on the floor and examined it. It was the body of a wolf with multiple slashes on its body. Looking at the color of its fur I noticed it was a rogue. The wounds were not fresh so whoever did this put it here to try to intimidate us.
"Scrap it. Let me know if you find something else. Don't let your guard down. This was done on purpose." I said and they all nodded. I walked away from the huddle with Lance and Caden following behind me.
"It's not fresh" I opened a private mindlink with them as we made our way back to the packhouse.
"Do you think it was some type of warning?" Lance asked.
"No. It would've been more gruesome." I replied.
"This was someone that wanted to let us know they are near and possibly watching us"Caden replied.
"Make sure that this doesn't get out to anyone. We might have to explore beyond the borders. I'll get in contact with some Alphas around us." I said and they nodded.
Knowing Rose was here and there was someone near our packgrounds makes me furious. I will not let anyone dangerous near her or my pack.

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