Drunk confession | Shanks x reader |

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"NO WAY!! Y/N BEATING CAPTAIN IN A DRINKING BATTLE GUYS!" one of the red hair pirates screamed. All of the crew in the bar surrounded the two to see them drinking their asses off not wanting to lose to the other. 

"There's no w-way I'm losing to you, red hair!" Y/n hiccuped and slammed the mug on the table refilling it for the hundredth time.
"Yea, as if!" The red-haired male replied snickering and drinking another mug. It was utter chaos in the bar with the crew cheering and Y/n and Shanks both drinking until you both felt dizzy. 

"Beat this pretty boy!" Y/n screamed and took the barrel and chugged it all in one go. The crew went wild screaming at Y/n's probable victory and Shanks's jaw gaped shocked. There was no one he was going to lose to Y/n so he did the exact same and the two finished exactly at the same time.

"Shitt! Y/n tied with Captain!" The whole crew went crazy cheering and Y/n threw her hands up happily. Shanks wobbly stood up and cheered with the whole crew as everyone has the time of their lives. Benn rubbed his head at the two's antics and knew they would both go to him and complain about hangovers the next day. 

Y/n's drunk ass then walked in a daze line to Shanks. "I-I'll beat you next time, Red hair!" The girl slammed her hand on the table and put her other hand on her hips. Shanks snickered, "Yeah right!" They both looked away from each other drunk mad and Y/n huffed. 

"Well, you're a good-for-nothing orangutan!" Y/n hiccuped and giggled. 
"Yea?! Well, your a- a-....uhmm..." Shanks put a finger on his forehead and tried to think of some to insult back at Y/n's drunken insult. 
"You're an idiotic first lady!" Shank's stuttered like an idiot. Y/n laughed out loud and insulted Shanks's once again about the colour of his hair. Their childish feud went on for a solid 10 minutes, each trying to retaliate against the other's silly insult. It was quite amusing to see 2 grown adults no other than 2 infamous pirates bickering like absolute children. It was also even more amusing that the two seemed to almost share sexual tension. 

"F-fuck you Y/n! It's your fault my heart is racing!" Shanks's dramatically whipped a tear from the corner of his eye and put a hand on his head.
"W-well it's your fault that you keep me up at night!" Y/n said back.
The two stood in a drunken silence and both crossed their arms. 
"What are you trying to say here, Mr Red?" Y/n took one hand and stuck out a finger at Shanks.

"T-that I have a big, fat crush on you!" Shanks stuttered. 


"Woahhhhh, really?" Y/n blushed. "Well then, I like you too!" She looked as if she had said something shocking. The two blushed like the colour of Shanks's hair and Shanks threw his hands in the air screaming that the love of his life liked him back.

He then carried Y/n bridal style and Y/n giggled. The whole crew sweatdropped at them but soon cheered at the two's happy moments. Momma Benn, however, only face palmed and knew he was going to have to deal with them in the morning.

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