Volume 5 : Summary before the actual chapter

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Here it is....I hope this format works better...

Events that happened prior:

- Sports festival announced

-Class D brainstormed shit but Sudo kept insisting that he and Kiyopon lead the class for the sports festival.

- The class was inclined with Sudo's proposal but Horikita still required Kiyopon's personal answer to it. Kiyopon agreed.

- Although Kiyopon agreed, he whispered to Horikita that he won't overextend his help as a condition, to which Horikita agreed.

- At the assembly when the rules were further elaborated by the third years and teachers, Sakayanagi Arisu was suprised to see Kiyopon. The moment her eyes landed on him, she thought it was a dream until a moment later, Kiyopon softly bumped against her small stature.

- Kiyopon quickly wrote an apology and Arisu was lucky enough to get a closer look at his face. That's when doubt began to pool inside her. His apology seemed so genuine despite it being a written one. She expected him to struggle socializing but she watched him hang around his friends just fine.

- And at the time, she decided to sigh and dismiss the possibility of it being really him since it crashes with her personal perspective of him during the WR.

- Kiyopon and Horikita met up at  Kiyopon's room to have a snack break. Horikita discussed her thoughts about the festival and imagined the many different underhanded tactics Ryuuen would take.

- Kiyopon then stealthily convinced Horikita into using Kushida. Horikita was shocked by that idea coming from Kiyopon of all people but was quickly smooth talked into considering it.

- Horikita gave Kiyopon the go signal and soon began his plan to sneak in a traitor and his own personal spy in class C ( Manabe ofc ).

- Kiyopon showed a bit of his crue side and successfully blackmailed Kushida using the evidence Horikita had already recorded back at vol 1.

- Class D training arc!

-Sudo acted as captain while Kiyopon acted as the usually silent co-captain.

- For some reason, most of the girls tried to hog Kiyopon's attention but Mori came out victorious and usually had personal sessions with the both of them alone.

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