Kiyopon plays a game of Werewolf / Kiyopon about the ways of the gentleman

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Man, Paimon is finally back!

I've been re reading the past ln volumes to pass the boredom when I had free time.

I didn't know Kiyo flipped off Ryuuen.

I completely missed it.

Anyway, let's actually start making progress in volume 4!

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Anyway, let's actually start making progress in volume 4!

Third Person PoV

1. Kiyopon plays a game of werewolf?

Kiyopon looked around and saw many students going to the respective rooms they were supposedly assigned to.

Kiyopon wondered who'd be in the room he was assigned to....

Well, whoever it is....

New friends to make, right?


He must fill his notebook, no matter what!

Kiyopon breathed in and out before opening the door.

" Hoh? So the silent Ayanokoji-dono is one of our two missing spots? Welcome to my domain!" Sotomura spoke with a somewhat jokingly condescending tone.

" Ayanokoji?" The boy with glasses named Yukimura Teruhiko also looked suprised.

Kiyopon turned his head to look towards the other person who was present which was the teacher of Class A, Mashima-sensei.

" Please sit down, Ayanokoji-kun." Mashima said.

Kiyopon sat next to Yukimura.

" I hope the fourth person isn't someone troublesome...." Kiyopon hears Yukimura mutter.

To be honest, Kiyopon felt awkward with these two.

Despite getting along with most people he met.....

It was mostly because they approached him first.....

Horikita was an exception since Kiyopon had approached her first.

But for the rest? Nope.

The door suddenly opened and all three heads turned quickly to see who it was.

Sotomura wore a suprised jojo expression. ( well, he tried to.)

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