Chapter 10

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Natalya's POV
I held my arms out. Grey laid down next to me. We wrapped our arms around each other. I started crying again.

"I missed you so much! I thought I'd never see you again!"

"Same here."

"C-can you mark me?"

"Are you sure you're well enough for that?"

"If I'm not then you marking me would help right?"

"Yeah. You're right."

I pulled the collar of my shirt down. He started kissing my shoulder. I felt his canines going into my shoulder. He took off his shirt and I did the same thing to him. His scent immediately came back. I started holding him tighter.

"Don't ever let me go."

"You got it."

I started telling him what happened. I did leave out one part...I was scared to tell him that.


We talked until we fell asleep. In the morning I heard an alpha voice.


I woke up.

Where's Grey?
                              Greyson's POV

"What the FUCK where you thinking?!"

"Yo she's hot man. Did she even tell you what happened while she slept?"

"What does that mean?!"

"Have you seen her naked yet? Cause I have."

I threw the fucking table out of the way. I picked him up using his shirt.

"If you're telling me you did what I think you did you're dead!"

"Woah! Down boy! Down! Your eyes are red!"

"I'm going to ask you one more fucking time. What does that mean?!"

He had this devilish smile.

"I'm gonna knock that look off your face! What the fuck did you do?!"

"I cut her clothes off after I stabbed her. I counted 20 wounds on her."

"What happened while she slept?!"

"You're gonna LOVE this! I did something with her."

"Are yo-I swear if you fucking-"

"Relax. I didn't screw her if that's what you're thinking. Oh. She didn't even tell you did she?"

"What didn't she tell me?!"

I clenched my jaw.

"Look at you being all protective! It's quite adorable!"


"I may or may not have used my fingers to see how she feels."

I punched him.

"I'm gonna skin you!"

"Oh? But don't you want to know?"

"I'll find out for myself! Did she tell you to fucking stop?!"

"Once or twice. She even tired right pull my hand outta her."

"Stop smiling! This isn't funny!"

"For you? Probably. For me? It's fucking hilarious!"

I started slamming his head against the wall. He started laughing.


I threw him down to the ground and started punching him.


"I'd like to see you try!"

"I'll be back for your ass in a minute!"

I left the room and grabbed a gun and put silver bullets in it.

"What the hell are you doing son?"

"What does it look like? I'm fucking dealing with someone that fucking hurt my goddamn mate! You've gone through this shit with mom right?! How come you do understand?!"

"I do understand. I am just making sure you don't make a decision you will regret."

"Trust me. I don't think I'll regret it. If this means one dickhead is outta the way and one less threat to her then no. I don't think I'll regret it."

I went back in the room with the gun. I held it up to Clyde's head. He put his hands up.

"Woah! What the hell man?! You're gonna shoot me?!"

"No. I'm just holding a gun up to your head for shits and giggles." I said sarcastically.

He gulped.

"L-look I-I was just messing around!"

"Oh so sexual assault's a joke now?"

I scoffed. I took the gun off safety.

He gulped again.

"Y-you can't be serious!"

"Oh I'm dead serious! I wanna know if there was anyone else!"

"I-I swear it was just her!"

"What else did you do?!"


I cracked my neck.

"D-do you really want blood on your hands?!"

"It's not like you'll be the first I'll kill!"

"Don't you want to hear about your brother?!"

"If he wants me he knows where to find me."

"You're 18 and you're ready to become a killer?!"

"Ya gotta do what ya gotta do to protect those that you love."

"You're fucking insane!"

"No? Really? Damn..I hadn't even noticed! Thanks genius!"

I slowly started pulling the trigger.




"Oh shut up! Stop stammering! What did you fucking lie about?!"

If he fucking even did what I think he did I'm shooting him more than once!

"I used both hands!"

"So if I go upstairs and ask her what you fucking did she'll tell me the EXACT same thing you are?!"


That's a fucking lie.

She told me he forced her to do something besides the marking.

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