Chapter 2

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                               Natalya's POV
After I was done with my phone I put it back down. I shut my eyes. I was tossing and turning.

Maybe I should go talk to Logan.

I stood up and started wondering around the house. I found a room with the door shut. I knocked.

"Come in."

I opened the door and walked in. I saw Logan and Greyson. I kept my head down.

"H-hi. Tiff said you wanted to speak with me?"

"Yes. You're 18 right?"

I nodded.

"You can stay here as long as you need then."

"My uncle doesn't want to take me in does he?"

"No. I'm sorry."

"We tried to convince him. He insisted he was done with you. He's sending over all of your things. It should be here in a day or two."

"O-oh. T-thank you."

"Did you have any relationship with Larry and his pack?"

I shook my head.

"I lied and told them that I was 15 instead of being 17."

"You can go now. Get some rest. You look like you need it."

"Y-yes. I agree."

I went back to the spare bedroom and laid down. I still couldn't sleep.

What if someone walks in and takes me back?

I must be paranoid.

I was able to eat actual food for once. After I was ready for bed I laid down.

Maybe if I talk to Greyson I'll calm down.

I got up and went to Greyson's room. The door was opened so I walked in. I saw he was on his phone.

"G-Grey? I-I can't sleep."

He put his phone down then sat up. I walked over to him and sat on the floor.

"How come you're down there?"

"Larry always made me sit on the floor when he talked to me."

"Come sit by me."

I stood up and sat on his bed.

"What's wrong?"

"My mind won't shut up."

He got up and shut his door then sat back down. I sniffled.

"I miss my family."

"I bet. I'm so sorry Nat."

He pulled me close to him and started hugging me.

"You can stay here tonight if you want. I'll sleep on the floor."

"N-no. I-it's okay. You can stay next to me. I think it's best if I'm not alone. Everything bad happened when I was alone."


We laid down and I laid on my side so I'd face him. I started crying. He pulled me close to him and started hugging me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed my forehead. I ended up crying myself to sleep.
                         Greyson's POV
This poor girl.

When my alarm for school went off I didn't bother waking her up. She was holding me tightly.

I shouldn't move her.

Who knows when the last time she slept well was?

I saw my mom walk into my room.

"How is she?"

"Not good. She came in here since she couldn't sleep.  She cried until she went to sleep."

"Oh god. I'll call you out of school for today. I'd feel bad if she woke up after having a rough night."

"Thank you."

My mom left and closed my door.

What am I supposed to do about school?

She told me she's scared to be alone.

What do I do?


What do I do?!

Protecting her has to be a start.

I looked down at her.

Her face is stained with tears...

My poor mate!

What made them do this to her?

Jesus Christ..

She rolled onto her side so her back would be facing me. I put my arms around her and pulled her closer to me again. For a while I just watched her.

Maybe she'll feel comfortable with me going to the store with her and my mom.

I didn't bother waking her up until noon.

"Hey? Nattie? It's time for you to wake up."

"But I'm comfortable."

I chuckled.

"We can't be in bed all day love."

She rolled over to face me. She rubbed her right eye with her left hand.

"Do I really have to get up?"


"Ugh. I'm coming back in here later."

"Alright. We should get ready now. I ditched school today so I wouldn't wake you."

"Oh no! I made you ditch?! I'm so sorry!"

"Hey it's okay. You needed the rest. I don't mind."


"Yes. It's alright. Love it's fine. Let's go get ready so we can go to the store."

"I-I don't have clothes remember?"

"I'll give you some old clothes if you want. I'll go see if my mom is ready."

"Does she have to come?"

"Wouldn't you be more comfortable if she came?"

"S-shouldn't we spend time together since we're mates?"

"If that's what you want then sure. We can go get something to eat too."

"L-like a date?"

"Yeah sure."

She smiled.

I got up and gave her some clothes. She walked away so I could get ready.

She wants to be alone with me?

Didn't expect that.

I drove us to the mall after we were ready. We went to every store she wanted to go in.

"Are you sure you're okay with all of this?"

"Mhm. I'm sure."

After a while she started to look tired.

"Can we go back to your house now?"


At home we brought everything in then put it in her room.

"Alright. I have to shower. I'll be in the bathroom in my room. Get me if you need anything."

"B-but what if you have no c-clothes on?"

"You needing me is important. A shower can wait."

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