Chapter Ten: Cha Ching.

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Lewis was under the impression that there would never be a man who walked the Earth ever again who was as smug as he was. Posture held high, a smirk plastered on his freckled cheeks, he held a cup of tar-black coffee in his left hand holding a folder in the other. Briskly walking, he jumped when a hand reached out from around the corner, grabbing him by the waist. His hold on the coffee almost resulted in the drink all over the ground as he turned, seeing his husband standing behind him. Exhaling, his posture relaxed, "how many cups of that have you had in the past two hours?" Rhys queried. Lewis looked down at the cup in his hand, realising that his hands were trembling. Smiling at the taller man, he shrugged his shoulders, his hold growing tighter on the items in his hand.
"How about we don't question that?" the raven-haired asked, tilting his head to the side, "all that really matters is that I proved my point that this campaign- not only the concept- but the models would be the most successful one of this companies history," he told, handing his husband the folder he had been holding. "Look at the numbers I got from the finance team."

Rhys took the folder from the man's hand, opening it, his eyes scanning over the documents. Lewis' cheeks flushed a light shade of pink upon seeing the man's jaw drop, peering back from the folder to his husband. "Finance told me they'd never seen anything like that in the history of the company," Lewis informed, the blondet rising from his seat, wrapping his arms around the shorter, pulling him into a tight hug, pressing a kiss on his forehead.
"You did the impossible," he muttered to Lewis, "I knew I married you for a reason," he joked, Lewis pushing away from the man, scoffing.
"So you're telling me you only married me because of my skills and not my dashingly handsome looks?" He asked Rhys, the male pursing his lips,
"Neither is better than the other. They're both extremely self conceded if you think about it. For the first one, I only married you because of your intellect, and for the second, I only married you for your looks," the blondet spoke, Lewis rolling his eyes.
"I know you're good at maths and stuff, but I don't need you analysing the statistics of our relationship because of a joke I made and-"
"I will tell you what though, I didn't marry you for your sense of humour; you have a terrible sense of humour," the man told, his husband bringing a hand to his chest,
"Ouch, you-"

"As cute as you two are with you're cringe little... couple talk? RyRy set up a meeting and if you're not there on time, you know for a fact he'll be very, very unhappy." Both men snapped their heads around seeing Emmy standing behind them, her arms crossed staring at the pair. Lewis' cheeks flushed red, grabbing the folder from off of his husband.
"Aren't you supposed to be with him right now?" he questioned, Emmy shaking her head.
"I've been running errands all morning," she informed, "everythings been chaotic since the launch of the collection and I've been going around to different warehouses ensuring that they have everything they need," she told, "plus, I sorta have my own company as well, and I will tell you, being a chairman and owner is quite difficult," she rambled, clearing her throat. "Anyway, enough about me, he's having the meeting in our usual room," Emmy informed, turning, her black heels clicking against the ground as she walked away from the pair.
"Where are you going?" Lewis called,
"I'm getting Ryan some coffee!" She exclaimed, "He made me a full buffet this morning for breakfast, it's the least I can do for him."

Peering at her bank account, Rin put her phone down on her chubby stomach, peering over to the kitchen island where Rudy was typing away on her laptop. "Angel," she called, the other humming,
"How would you feel about going to a nice restaurant for dinner tonight?" the blue-haired asked. Rudy slowly turned her head to face the girl, furrowing her eyebrows,
"Why would we do that?"
"Because... I don't know, we haven't really done much on dates, and I have the money and I wanna treat you," said Rin. Puffing out her cheeks, turning back to her laptop, Rudy exhaled,
"No, I don't want you spending any of your money on me. With Briar being such a bitch, who knows how long it will be until you get another job- I don't want you wasting it on me,"
"It wouldn't be wasting it though." Rin reassured, "ever since I was a little girl, I used to always see these couples come into the smoothie bar after going on a date and I... I don't know, I just wanted to do something special for you. They always had this buzz about them whenever they came in." Rudy inwardly facepalmed, glancing at the girl who sat on the sofa, a frown cemented on her face. Pushing out the stool to the kitchen island, closing the lid of her laptop, she approached the blue-haired, kneeling in front of her, balancing herself by placing a hand on the girl's knee.
"Does it mean that much to you?" Rudy questioned, Rin nodding her head,
"B- But if you don't feel comfortable with it we don't have to! I don't want you to-"
"Alright, alright, fine, we can go on the fancy restaurant date. Only if you let me pay for some part of it," the woman purposed. Huffing, Rin complied causing the other to smile, "find the place you wanna eat at, darlin'."

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