Chapter Five: Lord Knows Too Much.

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As night fell on the first day of the job, everyone was packing up their things and preparing to get ready to head home. Rin fastened her lilac puffer jacket whilst fighting with the tote bag on her shoulder, pushing her foot further into her boot when Rudy approached the girl, taking her bag off of her shoulder, allowing Rin to pull her jacket up properly. "You can't do everything at once," the girl informed, Rin rolling her eyes. Crouching down to fix the laces on her leather boots,
"Everyone's ready, I don't want to stop anyone from getting home," she told, glancing at the woman who stood beside her, "don't you have to get to the bar? I don't want to keep you-"
"I want you to come with me, celebrate after a long day's work," the girl told, showing the girl her pearly white grin as she leaned forward while Rin stood up, their noses touching. "Besides, I think you deserve a little treat for today, darlin'." she chimed, whilst Rin gulped thickly, slowly reaching her hand out, taking her bag back from the latter,
"I really... I, uh, I really can't keep spending so much money on-"
"It's on the house," Rudy butted before holding her hand out to the girl, "now, c'mon, you wouldn't wanna turn down a free drink, would you?" Pursing her lips, Rin glanced at her phone, seeing no new messages, before looking back to the woman who still had her hand out for the girl. Nodding her head, she placed her hand in the others, smiling brightly,
"Sure, why the hell not. A free drink is a free drink after all."

Safe to say that the blue-haired girl fell for the charm of the brunette. Walking through the streets, the October air pinched at their cheeks. Rudy kept a tight- almost too tight- hold of her hand as they wandered through the streets of Richmond. Previous to that, they had sat on the bus together the pair chatting about whatever came to mind. Rudy did most of the talking out of the pair. Rin learned about all the awards she won as a child, (the one she remained most proud of being the trophy she received for being the best liar in a game of mafia,) her home life and childhood, alongside the small cat she had nicknamed Sparky. However, the small cat had proven to be a big hassle resulting in Rudy getting rid of it. As a replacement, her mother had bought her a small hamster that she kept in her cage. Rin cooed at the thought of the small fluffy hamster only to stop when she discovered that the cat had in fact got into her house and murdered the pet hampster Rudy had gotten, then ending its own life by... getting electrocuted. "I still can't believe that that cat got electrocuted after you called it Sparky," Rin admitted a small grin on her face as she recalled the horror on the girl's face as she retold the story which had seemingly been engraved into her mind. Walking down the dark alley, Rudy shook her head,
"I know it's ironic but I was fucking traumatised!" she roared, "I walked into my room to see that my cat was smoking from the inside out and my hamster's body had been scattered across my carpet! I couldn't believe what I was seeing," Rudy rambled as they grew closer and closer to the bar, the woman dipping her hands into her bag, pulling out a set of keys. Rin giggled, tipping her head back as more laughter poured, "my mum was so confused and she forced me to clean the dead animals up myself," she shuddered. "I'll never ever forgive her for that," she told. Climbing up the steps, the girl let go of the latter's hand unlocking the door to the bar. Rin furrowed her eyebrows,
"I thought the bar was always open at this time," she spoke from behind Rudy. Inhaling deeply, Rudy shook her head whilst clearing her throat,
"I'm usually the only one who works this shift," she explained, "no one else likes working it, too many of the girls are too scared that they'll get attacked or something," Rudy added, opening the door, walking in before the other as Rin followed closely behind her. Slowly closing the door behind her, she took her coat off, hanging it on the empty hangers at the door while Rudy flicked on the light.

Heading further and further into the building, Rin cringed at the scent of stale liquor as a red hue warmed the place. Every time she had been to the bar, it had always been somewhat busy and after her first few visits she never really bothered to admire the interior. Plush red carpets covered the floor, dark oak tables and chairs dotted around the cosy room. Booths surrounded the edge of the room, each having their own little dim light with some sort of ancient red and floral patterned lampshade. The bar in the centre was the main showpiece, being the only place in the bar that didn't have carpet, only for the flooring to have been worn down by the tall chairs at the bar. Rin turned her head upon hearing the clinking of glasses, approaching the bar. Placing the glasses down, Rudy poured herself a drink first before pouring Rin's, pushing it towards her. Grabbing the glass, Rin was quick to drink from it while Rudy stared at her, pursing her lips. "I've really enjoyed hanging out with you today," Rudy spoke, catching the latter's attention, "I actually enjoy spending time with you whenever you're around she added." Rin sat motionless as an unfamiliar hot numbness washed over her body, travelling throughout her body. Licking her dried out tulip lips, she looked away down to the ground taking a shaky breath, "so I was thinking... I don't know, would you want to go out on a date or something?" Rudy queried, grinning in the direction of the girl. Rin's eyes practically bulged out of her head, snapping her head in the direction of Rudy, pale cheeks flushed red, almond-shaped eyes growing teary, "I don't know what you'd wanna do for a date but-"
"Y- You're being serious?" Rin queried, cocking her head to the side, "like, you swear to Lord Francis that you're not lying?" Rin queried. Scratching her hand, Rudy stared directly into the girl's blue eyes whilst shaking her head,
"No, why would I lie about something like this? I really like you Rin," she informed, "that's unless you don't like me back in which I-"
"NO!" Rin yelled, "no, no, no, don't even think that I don't like you- I uh, whoops, I mean," Rin stammered, Rudy snorting at the girl's panicked words, "I've had the biggest crush on you for so long and I've been so scared to tell you because I didn't want you to think I was weird and I didn't want you to stop talking to me," Rin rambled, "you're literally the prettiest girl I've ever seen. I love your hair, I love it whenever you have your cloudy afro it's literally perfect, n- not that your hair is perfect right now! You're just the definition of beauty to me and I have never wanted anyone or anything like I have wanted you," she blurted. Rudy's face softened, leaning across the counter, taking the girl's face into her hand, wiping away a few stray tears that had fallen down her chubby cheeks. She was careful not to scratch the girl's cheek with the rings on her fingers.
"Why are you crying?" the girl softly questioned, Rin staring at the woman with a stary gaze, a small spout of laughter passing her lips,
"Because you're so pretty it hurts," she answered, sniffing loudly, "I've been so scared  to say anything to you because I don't wanna lose you as a friend,"
"You're silly to think that I might have not felt the same way, darlin'," Rudy uttered, placing her forehead against the girls. "I like you a lot too," she murmured, her gaze flickering between the girl's tulip lips and her beady blue gaze. The closer the girl got, the more Rin could smell the liquor on the latter's lips,
"D- did you put vodka in your drink?" She whispered, Rudy sniggering, cocking her head to the side,
"I have a confession to make," she said, "I've never been that much of a fan of strawberry juice, it's too sweet for me. I prefer something more bitter, something that burns the back of my throat," she uttered, before leaning in, placing her lips on Rin's.

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