Chapter 41

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It's been a few weeks since T.J. moved back to his place. The apartment feels a lot lighter since he moved back. I like the guy; I really do. It's just insane the amount of tension there was between him and Taylor. We still have no idea what exactly went on while we were gone, but I've stopped asking questions. Maybe it's better that we don't know.

Instead, I've been trying to focus on much more pressing matters- planning Lindsey's birthday. I know I want to do something big for her, something special. I have an idea, but I'm worried it will backfire. The rooftop garden was our special place. It was where some pretty amazing memories were made, but thanks to Val, I feel like it's been tainted.

I'd really like to fix that- to take it back and turn any negative feelings Lins may have about that place back into positive ones. It's our place, and I don't want anyone to rob us of the happy memories associated with it. Taylor told me I have to trust my gut when I ran the idea by her. She said it might be risky to take Lins back there after the shit Val pulled, but if my gut tells me it's the right thing to do, then run with it.

That's what I'm going to do. I refuse to let Val and her cronies ruin such a fantastic memory. And I need Lins to know that the garden is just for her. I'd never dream of taking anyone else there, ever.

I know I have to pull out all the stops if I take her back there. It has to be spectacular. So, I start to make a list of all of her favorite things and plan the biggest night of my life. She'll either be blown away, or I'll be left in the dust. Let's hope this doesn't come back to bite me.


The days leading up to Lindsey's birthday were nerve-wracking. I think I have everything in place. I'm pretty confident I thought of every little detail, but I'm nervous as hell. What if she hates it? What if she hates me for taking her back there?

Fuck! I can't think like that. It's going to be fine. She's going to love it. Everything will work out just like it's supposed to. I just keep repeating these things over and over until I calm down.

I steady myself with a deep breath as I take one more look inside the velvet box in my hand, checking that everything is perfect. It is. It's just as I ordered- every stone in place, everything bright and shiny, and the engraving exactly how I worded it.

Tonight's the night! It's not just the night we reclaim our special place, but it's the night I plan on telling her those three little words. So, yeah, I'm kind of a mess right now. I just want everything to go perfectly. And I'm trying not to overthink.

I've never actually said those words to anyone outside of family, though. Then again, I've never felt this way about anyone before. Lindsey came into my life and shook me to my core. She awoke things inside me that I never knew were there. The guys call it whipped; I call it love.

That's what it is between us- love. I'm so in love with her; it's crazy. The thought of losing her hurts more than anything else. My career could end tomorrow, and nothing else would matter as long as I had Lindsey. She's become the most important thing in my life, and I plan on telling her that tonight.

Taylor and Lins have been in Taylor's room for the last couple of hours, getting Lindsey ready for tonight. I put the finishing touches on my outfit, then head out to the living room to wait for my girl. Liam is lounging on one of the couches, watching a movie as I make my appearance.

He looks up and gives me a once-over. "You just had to steal the thunder, didn't you?" He smirks at me.

He and Taylor threw Lins a surprise party for her birthday, and the entire team showed up to celebrate. Mr. and Mrs. Barnett even came to surprise her. They wanted to make sure she had a great time and felt loved and supported. Lins was so thankful to them for doing that for her, but Liam knows I have something huge planned for tonight. Something that will hopefully blow the surprise party out of the water. So, he's getting his digs in while he can.

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