Chapter 25

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I took a leap.

When I met Chase, I knew what I wanted from him physically right off the bat. Did I ever think that would actually happen? No. It was just a fantasy- something for me to dream of and imagine in my dark loneliness.

We were never going to be a thing. That's what I used to believe. Then, the fog around me started to lift, and I gave myself a chance. I went for what I wanted, the way I used to. The old Lindsey would have gone for it right away, no hesitation, no looking back.

Looks like she may be making a comeback.

She's the one who gave me the courage to take that leap with Chase up there on that rooftop. She's the part of me I've been missing so desperately the last couple of years. And I think maybe I finally have her back.

That night with Chase was incredible! He made me feel things that no one ever had before. I felt sexy and adored. He made me feel like I was the most precious thing in the world, and the way he looked at me made my skin spark in all the best ways. It's like he was admiring the rarest treasure in the world.

And he knew exactly what he was doing. Every movement, every stroke of his fingers, everything was done expertly. And I couldn't help the way my body responded to him. It was automatic. I didn't have to think about my next move; it just happened, like we were so in sync with one another. It felt like we were meant to be together, as crazy as that may sound.

And the past week since that night, we've only been able to steal kisses and longing looks. Since we took things to that level, it's been so hard not being with him or touching him in some way. I've had a taste of what he has to offer, and now, I'm left craving more.

It's a need, not a want. I need more of Chase. I need to touch him, to kiss him, to be near him as often as possible. I'm tempted just to say screw it and tell my brother about Chase and me, but I really have no idea how he will react. Taylor seems to think Liam would be totally fine with it, but I know how adamant he was that I not date a pro athlete.

I have this sinking feeling that he will be really pissed and add to that, the athlete in question is his best friend and team captain with a sordid romantic history. My guess is, Liam would not take that well at all. He'd probably try to rearrange Chase's face or other parts of his body. And now that I've seen all of his body, I really don't want any of him rearranged.


I'm sitting in the stands at tonight's home game cheering on the Cobras as I reflect on everything that's happened the last few weeks. One night, in particular, keeps coming to the forefront of my mind. I'm pulled from my memory of the other night as Chase slams a forward from the opposing team into the boards.

God, he's so hot!

Taylor and the rest of the Cobra fans cheer their approval as Liam uses that to his advantage. He launches the puck into the other team's goal, upping the lead for our guys from 2-1 to 3-1. The crowd goes wild!

Chase skates by my section of the glass and sends a sexy as fuck wink my way. I think he knows full well what that small gesture does to me because I see a slow smirk work its way onto his face before he spins off in another direction.

Yep, I've got tingles below my waist, and I am in dire need of a cold shower.

He's just too freaking attractive for his own good. I see Taylor grinning at me knowingly off to my side. She elbows me in the ribs and leans close.

"I know what you're doing later."

My face is now beet red, and she is laughing behind her hands. The only thing I want to say is, 'it's not what, but who I'll be doing later.'

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