Chapter 11

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He chose her.

There were other answers he could have given. He could have said no. He could have stayed here in the apartment with me. We would have had some privacy. Liam already said he'd go, but no- Chase said yes. He chose to go with her. I'm sure they're all having a great time without me too.

If I wasn't self-conscious already, I sure would be now. It was evident to me already, though. Who would choose me when she was the other option? No one. Girls like that always win. And I'm not one of them- I'm not part of the club.

I could have gone with them. I was invited, but why go and embarrass myself with miss fitness standing right next to me? She probably loves to work out, has perfect form, and doesn't sweat. I hate the gym. I'd make a fool out of myself if I agreed to go with them. So, I stayed in the apartment by myself.

I told them I would be apartment hunting- which I really do need to do. Finding an apartment in my price range in the location I wanted was turning out to be a lot more difficult than I imagined. Liam offered to help me out with rent, but I couldn't let him pay for something so substantial as rent. 

No, I would do it on my own. I just needed to find the right place. And I needed to do so quickly because I couldn't stay here living next to the embodiment of female perfection. Not if I had any hope of escaping the hole of self-loathing Lucas and Nadia buried me in.

As the weekend came to an end, I found myself having a hard time hating Taylor. I mean, I should hate her, right. Chase and Liam are super close to her; they work out with her, have inside jokes, laugh, and smile at everything she says or does. And she's obviously more Chase's type than me. I should definitely hate her.

The thing is... I don't.

I've tried to make myself hate her- told myself she's just playing nice in front of the boys, she's probably two-faced and fits in more with Val and Jenna; she's actually a terrible person. But, none of that seemed to be true. She's been nothing but nice to me at all times. She even offered to take me shopping for work clothes so I'd have some cute business professional attire to wear for my first day.

I went because I needed a first-day-of-work outfit, and the guys were at practice. She was very helpful in finding not just one complete outfit for me but three down to the shoes and accessories. I told her I couldn't afford all three, and she said the whole trip was her treat- as a "Welcome to the city, congrats on your new job gift" from her. She didn't give me one side-eye, nasty look, or snarky comment the entire trip, even when I came out of the dressing room in a hideous pantsuit that looked like something from a bad '90s movie.

By the end of the weekend, I was actually starting to like her. I could see us as friends, but I still wasn't sure if I could trust her. The niceness would wear off eventually, right? I mean, Nadia was nice and normal and supportive for nearly a decade before she showed her true colors. Taylor could do some serious damage if I let her get too close.

Standing in front of the full-length mirror in Liam's room, I marvel at how great I look in my outfit. It's one of the three gifted to me by Taylor, a black blazer, emerald green blouse, gray pants, black ankle boots, completed with a layered necklace. The top makes my eyes pop, and Taylor was right; I look incredible. I hate that she was right, but her keen sense of fashion did create this look, so maybe she's not all bad.

Liam and Chase had to leave early for practice. So, they both peeked in before they left to wish me luck. Chase lingered for a bit after my brother left the room. He looked like he was about to say something when Liam hollered for him from the living room that they needed to go. 

He's been acting strange. I feel like he's avoiding me, and I've caught him with Taylor having hushed conversations a few times. They stopped as soon as they saw me. Come to think of it; they stopped as soon as they saw Liam too...

That just added more fuel to my theory that Chase has something more than friendly going on with Taylor. Them sneaking around whispering to each other just made that theory much more plausible. What other explanation could there be for their behavior? Why would they need to hide anything from Liam? Unless they were secretly dating and didn't want him to know.

They look great together too. Of course, they do! With their perfect hair and perfect teeth, and perfect smiles. They'd probably have a perfect wedding and go on to live long, happy lives together and have lots of perfect little babies. Ug, maybe I do hate her...

I figured I would pick up a coffee on my way. It took a lot of pleading with Liam to convince him that I would be perfectly safe walking to work. He insisted on getting me a car service again, but I told him I needed the full "New York" experience. 

After a long back and forth, I finally got him to agree to let me do this my way, but only if I called Taylor as soon as I got to work. He said he couldn't have his phone at practice, and Taylor would be stopping by the arena to meet with a client this morning. So, she could let him know if I made it safely to work.

I head toward the door, and Taylor stops me. She tells me to have a great first day and reminds me to call her when I make it to my building. She then hands me a lidded coffee mug filled with my favorite morning beverage mixed just the way I like it with two sweeteners and lots of hazelnut creamer. I thank her and head on my way.

Looking down at the coffee, I wonder briefly if it's poisoned. Or maybe spiked with a laxative. She wouldn't, right? I mean, she's friends with my brother. He'd be furious if she did something like that.

I take the gamble and sip the piping hot liquid. It tastes absolutely delicious. It's even better than when I make it myself. Damn it! One more reason to like her. That section of my list is quickly outgrowing my "reasons to hate her" section. Really, I only have one reason to hate her. That's Chase. And he shouldn't even be a reason; he hasn't told me he's interested. All those times I thought we shared a moment, he was likely just being nice, not flirty.


I sigh. When I focus on the building ahead, I realize I've made it all the way to work while I was lost in my head. At least I'll have something to distract me today. I take a deep cleansing breath and walk through the big glass doors.

You got this Lins. Today is going to be amazing!

I felt a strange sense of calm wash over me as I made the trip upstairs to my department. The door to my boss's office was open so I peaked my head in and greeted her with a genuine smile and a "Good morning".

"Hello, Lindsey! We're so glad you're here!" She returned my smile.

"I'm happy to be here!" For the first time in a long time, I meant it.


Nine hours later, I headed back home after the best first day of work I'd ever had. No one else was home, but Liam texted that they should be back shortly. I took off my shoes and blazer and started getting dinner ready. As I finished setting the table, the three of them arrived. I looked up and saw Taylor, dressed to kill in an outfit of matching dark gray slacks and blazer, a deep purple blouse, and killer black pumps.

Of course, she was stunning. Maybe I could add, "she would look great wearing a paper sack" to my list of reasons to hate her. I don't remember what she does for work. I need to ask Liam about it. It's par for the course that she's not only physically perfect, but she's a successful business professional too.

After we exchanged greetings and got situated around the table, we talked about how our days went, and I shared how fantastic my first day was. Chase gave me a strange look. And flashed that smile again. The one that knocks me senseless.

Liam is now talking to Taylor about her new "client". He asked if the guy was hitting on her again. Apparently, her new client is the team's newest player, T.J. Levine, and he signed a contract with her company to represent a new line of athletic apparel they are releasing soon.

According to Liam, T.J. has been drooling over Taylor since they met. It just makes sense that she has multiple hot guys lusting after her- probably everyone on the team. Not that I care about all of them drooling over her, nope, just the one. And he's currently laughing with Liam at something she just said.

Am I jealous? Yep. Is it petty? Uh-huh. Do I care? Not in the least.  

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