What I wished for

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Hey!!!!! It's finally here, the alternative ending. This is the last part of the story and the last time I'll be writing about this. I hope you enjoy it.
This isn't my first story but it's the only one I'd call successful. That's thanks to all of you reading. Don't take it lightly when I say I appreciate it. I really do. It's amazing to think that my creations are valued. I hope you'll be curious to see what stories I'll write next.
Without much ado, this is how I wanted things to go.
As soon as he heard the noise of your footstep, Gojou panicked.

In the blink of an eye, he was up and his hand holding your wrist tightly.

His grip was tighter than he wanted it to, his emotions had clouded his ability to hold back.

That was it for you.

You were aggravated.

You turned to meet his eyes, about to lash out, verbally at least.

To your surprise, you didn't see the cocky smirk he had on when you first wanted to leave.

But, you didn't expect that either.

Despite that, what you saw was shocking.

Gojou's expression was terrified and the hand on your wrist was trembling lightly.

He knew it was unreasonable to hold you this tightly but, he feared.

An irrational fear that if he even thought of letting go, you'd leave and be gone forever.

On your side, all the insults you had to say had drowned away.

"Gojou?" you asked. Your tone was worried.

"I'm begging you... Please, don't leave" his tone was dark and desperate.

He was pulling the right strings when it came to making you feel guilty.

You knew that.

"There's no reason for me to stay, Gojou. The only one who would benefit from that is you..."

"Then I'll change that! I'll... I'll be the one to change"

At that moment, he didn't care how he sounded like or whether he would be able to hold all the promises he was making.

Gojou was just doing everything he could to convince you.

"I know I shouldn't have done all of those things. And you had to leave for me to realize that... But please. Just give me a second chance. Allow me to treat you the way I should've treated you. I'll do everything right. I'll... I'll do anything... Anything to make you smile again..."

You just stood there in silence, observing the broken man in front of you, desperate for a single chance of redemption...

Could you give that to him?

Did you want to?

You did.

But do you know what you wanted more?


You took in a deep breath, now wasn't the moment to waiver.

So when you spoke, you had to put all empathy to the side.

"You know, Gojou. It's not because it's you that I'm saying this. But if I gave in each time someone cried, I wouldn't have gone anywhere. So..."

You placed a hand on his shoulder, making his gaze meet yours.

"I'm not sorry that I have to leave because that's the right thing to do, for me. However, I forgive you. And I'm sorry because looks like you've been depending on me too much..."

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