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Mina's POV

"Where's Adam? Don't tell me he's left already?" I asked Matt who shrugged nonchalantly as he played candy crush on his phone.

All day, I had been dreading seeing Adam at the diner, but part of me was beginning to think that maybe I should work with him. I still don't like the FBI. I mean, look at how they treated me. I think they're manipulative and scary. They remind me of those heroes that do bad things for a good cause. Like that makes them morally superior to the other bad guy.

"When did he leave?" I pressed.

"He hasn't. He'd be leaving on Monday morning." He finally looked up at me and narrowed his eyes. "you seem pretty interested in Adam's whereabouts. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were smitten by him"

"Ha ha, very funny" I said dryly. "I just expected him to show up here, you know, drinking black coffee and acting like the loneliest man in the world."

Great, now I do sound like I've been watching his every move, which I have, but definitely not because I was smitten by him.

Matt looked at me weirdly and went back to playing candy crush. It was silent for a while as I thought about Adam still being around. That means there was still the possibility of seeing him before he left. I found myself partly praying I wouldn't and partly thinking, maybe I should.

"So what are your plans now that high school is over?" I asked because I needed the distraction. My indecision was killing me.

He perked up. "I got accepted into Hollens culinary school already. It's one of the best. Give me six months, and I'm going to be all over the news with my amazing recipes. By the way, did you watch my you-tube video last night?"

"Yes, but you refused to give me video credits. I held that phone up for at least an hour." I complained. "buy a phone stand for next time. My arm still aches"

"Oh, you'd survive" he said dismissing me with a wave of the hand. I glared at him and he added. "just kidding. Thank you. I'd give you credits next time"

The entrance door dinged and Violet came bursting in. "Guess what" she said excitedly"

"what?" I asked.

"I said guess. You always do that" she rolled her eyes.

"You get to give another long lecture on your youtube channel?" Matt said sarcastically.

Violet looked at him in surprise. "How did you know? yes, I have a live session this weekend and it's going to be quite interesting...Mina you have to be there. Pleeeease, I need an anchor girl. Sometimes I just ramble on and on...and I'm worried that I may be boring my viewers.."

"so accurate" Matt chipped in.

Violet shot him a look. "Excuse me. My topics are extremely important and need to be discussed" she defended.

"Exactly Vie, they are" I cut in before it turned into a full-blown argument. 'Now tell us what you wanted to say when you walked in"

She faced me and a smile grew on her face. "There's a bon-fire tomorrow night."

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