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Mina's POV

"Wetin you mean say you give them the email? Nut don lose for your head?’’

I was livid with rage. Nengi had sent a message telling me that after she explained to Green Pastures that she was getting a better sponsorship from another NGO, they asked for the contact information and she gave them the email. I had called her immediately.

‘’They just kept asking questions. They said it’s for clarifications’’ she began.

‘’How is it their business? Since when do NGOs do background checks on other NGOs?’’ I asked angrily. I expected her to be smarter than this.

‘’I don’t know na’’ she said on the phone. ‘Shay na just email. They thought I was lying’’

I rubbed my temples and pinched my nose, feeling an impending headache.

‘’Nengi, you don’t owe them any explanation. You have the right to refuse their offer without giving a reason’’ I snapped at her.

‘’I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t think it was a big deal’’ she sounded like she was close to tears.

‘’Okay. What else did you tell them?’’

‘’I told them about the organization. The name, the offers, the stage we’re at, and then I gave them the email. That’s all.’’

Well, that’s all the needed to know it’s all fake. It takes a criminal to spot a criminal. I knew they already figured out my NGO was not real. No real NGO will give out so many
freebies. A weight of worry suddenly came upon my shoulders. The last thing I need is the ring having their eyes on my NGO. I try to remember if I covered my tracks well enough. I think I did.  There was no way they could link it to me. They will just think it’s another group trying to set up a new ring and fish more girls.

‘’Okay,’’ I said feeling a little calmer. ‘So that’s all you told them right?’’

‘ughm…yes,...I mean no, well…I...I r-remember..’’ she stuttered.

‘’what?’’ I snapped

‘’I kind of told them you were the one who gave me the NGO contact.’’ she blurted out.

Oh Nengi, just shoot me!

Have you ever felt like strangling someone before?


I couldn’t focus at work. I kept checking my phone to see if I had a new email on the NGO account. I was dreading hearing from them. Even though they didn’t know I was the one sending the emails, they will suspect I was connected. Take the fact that I was missing from the ring, and now linking people to a different NGO. You didn’t have to be an FBI agent to figure that out. Damn Nengi. She could never keep a secret. She was probably running of her mouth like always and didn’t know when she spilled the tea.

Of all the different scenarios that were running through my head, one kept coming to the forefront. What if they thought I had escaped just to set up my own ring and was trying to recruit? If they did, they could hit back, hard. This could go wrong in so many ways.

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