Mephone4 x reader || trickster

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You hummed, a soft and kind smile on your face as you pulled the tray out of the oven. These are the only times you're happy to bake, when you try to cook anything else you're just miserable.

"How are those cookies going?" He asked from the kitchen counter. You just set the tray on the stovetop, and then turned the stove off.

"Good, they look great, I think they're gonna love em," You say as you then turn to the counter, behind you. Mephone4 just smiles.

"Yeah..they'll really love them..." He sounded like he was holding in a laugh. You just sigh and take the oven mitts off, and setting them on their hanger.

"You gonna be a fat slob and eat them...again?" You jokingly ask, a small grin creeping across your cheeks. Mephone4 just laughed. "How did you know?"

You just shook your head and gave him a look. "Every time I bake cookies for your show's elimination time, you end up eating them,"

"Hey! You know I can't help it, (Y/n), they just taste so good!!" He tells you, a small smile on his screen. You just sigh and take one of the cookies from the tray.

It's still hot, but not hot enough to actually leave any burn marks.

"How about you be hungry now, and save the rest for your show?" You say as you then started to wave the big cookie in front of Mephone4's screen.

His mouth watered at just the sight of the cookie as he began to try and reach for it. You just laugh, dropping it into the phone's arms. Mephone4's screen then turned into a giant smile as he then tried to eat the damn thing whole.

The rest of the cookie just hit the corners of his mouth, making some of the crumbs fall next to his feet.

"You need to calm down and eat it in pieces, you cookie addict," You snicker. Mephone4 just bites a part of the cookie and starts eating.

Usually he'd just make cookies appear, but sometimes he just wants the biggest your baked ones taste better than his generated ones.

"So, who's getting eliminated?" You asked as you grabbing a cookie and started eating it too. Mephone4 just tells you through a mouth full of cookie bits.

"Not sure, they're gonna be voting for each other this time,"

"Got it, but how are you gonna give these to the safe ones? You can't just shrink them, right?" You ask, eating the rest of the cookie that was in your hand. The phone just smiled and took another bite.

That was when you finally realized something. "Mephone-.. did you just trick me into making you cookies?" You can hear his mouth-full laugh.

Goddamn it. You just snicker and say, pinching the bridge of your nose. "You're a little sneak!" Mephone4 just laughs, still eating his giant cookie.

"Hey, you're the one who fell for it," He said, a smirk forming on his screen as he continued to eat the damn cookie.

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