Chapter 12:

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"LET'S TALK TO your mother Allie, and see what she thinks before we even think about it," she told me soothingly.

The detective looked a bit awkward standing there. When I looked up, he told Grandma, "If she is leaving the country you might just let us know. For now, I'm guessing your embassy has enough security. My chief has a couple of officers stationed outside her mom's room right now. If she's going to stay somewhere else it'd probably be a good idea to add some more protection there."

"Do you know who attacked my mom yet? Or who tried to kill me last night?"

The detective shook his head, "The FBI are looking over surveillance from near the courthouse, but so far they haven't managed to find a picture of the shooter. The FBI is assuming it was the same person last night..."

"They're assuming? You think it was someone else?" I asked.

He shrugged, "There's no evidence saying it was the same person, and there's no evidence saying it wasn't. Until we know I would never assume anything."

I nodded, "You'll find them though, right?"

He smiled, "With as angry as everyone is right now? Yes, we'll find them!" He looked over at Giuseppe, "May I speak with you outside Mr. Russo?"

"Certainly," he told him.

"I hope you feel better soon Princess," the detective told me.

I blushed, "Thanks..."

When they were both gone Grandma and I just looked at each other. "Do I have to come with you?" I asked her.

She shook her head, "No, and I think everyone would understand if you decided you wanted to stay to help your mother."

"But...?" I could always tell when adults were going to add that.

"But, if they are after you it'd be safest for you and everyone else if you came to Osané."

"I'm still learning how to be a girl; how can I ever be a princess..." I looked at her, "Or a queen! I'll make a total fool out of myself!"

I started crying more and she hugged me tightly. A knock on the door came and Giuseppe peeked his head in, "Doctor Ramirez is here?"

I wiped my eyes, "Send her in..." I said shakily.

Doctor Ramirez had a concerned look as she entered and saw me. She noticed Grandma beside me, "Hi, I'm Jillian Ramirez," she told Grandma. "I saw Allie with her mother last week," she told her.

"Nice to meet you," she told her, "I'm Maria Alessi."

'I can tell when Grandma likes a first impression or not of someone just by her introductions,' I thought to myself.

"The pleasure is mine, Your Majesty," she told her. She looked at me and said, "Well I should have known that anyone connected to your mother would be trouble..." she shook her head with a smile. "How is she doing?"

I shrugged, "I'm supposed to go see her after I get out of here? She's going to make it, but she was still asleep when I was there last night."

"I'm glad to hear she's going to recover. What's going on with you now?"

"Someone set our house on fire last night and tried to kill us," I said with yet more tears coming out of my eyes.

"I saw something about a house fire on the news, but didn't watch it closely. That was your house?"

I nodded, "I think we lost everything..."

"Not everything," Doctor Ramirez said and moved a chair next to my bed. "Everyone is still alive, right?"

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