Chapter 4:

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TO SAY I slept well that night would have been a lie. I couldn't stop my mind from racing now that my mom knew about me... and to top it off my dad died without me ever meeting him... I have a long-lost grandmother paying me a visit... and I'm a freaking princess?!?

I gave up on sleeping about five in the morning, and decided to get up. I was exhausted and walked down the stairs to the kitchen to get a drink and eat something.

"What are you doing up?" Mom asked me sleepily with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Umm... same as you...?"

"Couldn't sleep?"

I shook my head and found myself giving her a hug. "I love you! Thank you for not freaking out on me yesterday."

She laughed, "Who says I wasn't freaking out?"

"I've read so many horror stories," I told her. "I've been scared..."

I felt more tears at my eyes as she squeezed tighter, "No matter what sweetie I will never stop loving you!" I stood there for a moment before she broke the hug and asked, "Coffee?"

"Please!" I told her with a smile.

She poured me a cup, and I added in the massive amounts of cream and sugar, that usually had other people joking if I liked some coffee with my creamer! I took a sip and smiled. She sat down at the table and I joined her.

"So..." I said.


I sighed, "So what's going on today?"

"Well, you have an appointment at nine with a psychiatrist that my clients have worked with, and a doctor's appointment afterwards."

"What doctor?" I asked nervously.

"For now, just Doctor Haskill, your pediatrician."

"For now?"

"For now. We'll have to get you into a specialist, but this way you can get some necessary paperwork to get you started."

"And I can dress like me?"

"Yes, you can. I do want you to know I think you need to decide soon... Is this for certain what you want?"

"Of course! Why are you asking though?" I asked a bit nervously.

"Because once word gets out over in Osané that the Prince had a daughter that no one knew about... well there's no going back to being a prince if you change your mind."

"She's serious about me being a princess? Like really?" I asked again.

She laughed, "I know, it's ironic, huh?"

"A dream come true on the girl part though," I told her. "What if... what if people find out?"

"Sweetie, I'm going to be honest... It's probably not an 'if' they find out."

My eyes widened, "But..."

She sighed, "Your father and I loved each other a lot. One of the things I hated though was the damn media attention he got sometimes. His cousins a bit more so since they stayed in Osané, but him occasionally too. One time I even had the misfortune of being hounded by the damn paparazzi myself."


She proceeded to tell me that story and more about my father.

"I wish I knew him..."

"I know honey, I tried to get him to at least be willing to see you a few times, but he didn't want to burden us with the attention or anything."

"Kind of failed at that when he didn't have other kids?"

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