Chapter 2:

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I WAS DEAD! I was sure I would be soon at least as I looked to see Mom and a man dressed in a black suit sitting on the couch.

"Mom...?" I breathed, "What... what are you doing home?"

"We have a guest who needed to talk to us..." she told me. "Why are...?"

Ellie grabbed onto me in a hug and stood behind me. "It was all my idea..." she started to say.

I shook my head, "No Ellie, might as well tell her." I breathed heavily, "Mom... this is me..."

"What do you mean? Why are you wearing that?"

"Maybe we should go talk upstairs?" Ellie suggested.

Mom nodded grimly and said, "Giuseppe, would you excuse us for just a few minutes?"

"Of course," the man said with a bewildered look on his face.

When we reached my room, "Alexandros Leonidas Alessi Nelson what the hell is going on?!?" Mom asked.

"Mom... I'm not really a boy..."

"Of course, you are! I changed your diapers, I should know!"

"Mom I'm transgendered," I told her.

Something clicked in her head, "You're making this up, right?" She looked at Ellie who shook her head. "How...?"

"Mom, I don't know... since I was five, I guess I've known something was wrong. I didn't really understand it until I was like eight and Ellie moved in next door."

"I knew I should have made you have more boys as friends..."

"Mom they didn't want to be friends with me! They never have! Kids have sensed that I'm not normal..."

"But..." she sighed, "go on..."

"When I was ten, Ellie and I played dress-up with me one time as her doll and I had a blast. A few years ago, after Christmas I told her who I was."

"And who is that?" Mom asked.

"Your daughter Allie," I told her with tears streaming down my eyes. "Please don't hate me, I'm sorry..."

This was the worst case of scenarios I had imagined taking place! I collapsed on my bed and bawled my eyes out into my hands. A half-second later I felt comforting hands though, "I don't hate you... Allie," she told me. "But I'm afraid this is probably the worst timing you could have had to let me find this out..."

I couldn't speak for a while as Ellie joined the hug too. Ten minutes later I finally could talk again, "I'm sorry Mom," I told her for a millionth time. "I'll get changed..."

"Maybe you should... but I..."

"What?" I asked.

"Why don't you come downstairs first?"


"I need you to talk to the man that's down there."

"Who is he?"

"I'll let him explain. Good thing you weren't wearing any makeup... I need to go wash my face and then I'll come join you," she told me as she got up.

"Well, that went better than I thought it would..." Ellie told me.

"What did you expect? A nuclear bomb? It's still pretty much the end of the world..." I told her as I stood up.

She hugged me again, "She didn't kill you, and she told you to just go downstairs like you are. She could have screamed for you to change or worse..."

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